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Dusteronly t1_ja0cj0v wrote

This puzzle looks like hell…sad you can’t find the last piece


unKaJed t1_ja0o20u wrote

Honestly, if you enjoy puzzles you end up in a masochistic situation like this sooner or later.

My wife and I have a round puzzle with a similar piece structure that’s a high res image of the moon. Just gradients of grey and white. That’s why the sister puzzle of earth has yet to be opened.


forever_useless t1_ja0czaa wrote

When I do puzzles, I always put one piece in a safe, hidden place. That way, no matter what, I'll always be the one to complete it. Question EVERYONE CIA style! Someone in your life may be just as degenerate as me!


Ok_Recover_5807 OP t1_ja0egto wrote

I'll get my lamp to interrogate everyone and everything around me.


forever_useless t1_ja0f5f6 wrote

Start with interrogating the lamp so you know if it can be trusted


r33k3r t1_ja0k4sx wrote

You have to break its spirit by getting it to say it has 5 lights when it is clearly a 4-light lamp.


doctorhino t1_ja0cawx wrote

So you just have to guess where every piece goes because there are no image clues? That looks miserable.


Jazzlike_Day_4729 t1_ja0cvf4 wrote

I would be pissed if I had worked that hard and had a missing piece. Contact the company and send them a photo and have them mail you the piece .


ChesterDood t1_ja0gk2f wrote

Looks like what you have there is a...

Black hole

I'll see myself out


YeetMemez t1_ja0fdy3 wrote



unKaJed t1_ja0nrn4 wrote

OP! Call the people that make the puzzle, some offer replacement pieces. My wife spilled a drink that should never have been on the puzzle table and warped 4 pieces. We contacted them, showed them the pieces and placement spots via photo and they sent them to us. I also have two puzzles with a similar approach you might enjoy since you clearly love torture. Pieces decrease in size towards the middle, puzzle is round instead of square and they are high res images - earth and the moon. Obviously you’d have an easier time with a design and colours but if you’re up for another puzzle, I’d look for those.



HawkinsT t1_ja2vxpo wrote

> my wife spilled a drink that should never have been on the puzzle table

Hah, the irritation is palpable!


JBelangia t1_ja0dvwd wrote

It's perfect the way it is.


Ok_Recover_5807 OP t1_ja0ejxj wrote

It's the wa I'm going to frame it.


SteveCastle t1_ja0qu9q wrote

I unironically think framing it like this makes it more visually and artistically interesting. Put a little title plaque underneath it -- "The Void" or something similar. If anyone asks, tell them you walked into the woods naked on a moonless night and ate the final piece.

Other options for the hole could include:

• A lock of your significant other's hair

• Your finger print

• A googly eye

• Pour black sesame seeds into the hole and fix them with glue

• A piece from another puzzle

• The words "You Are Here"

• A "peace" sign

• A picture of a slice of chocolate cake (e.g. "Piece of Cake" scratch-n-sniff sticker)

This sticker about slots

• Wait until you have a bad scrape of about the right size, let it scab over, peel off the scab and seal it in resin

• "G ↔ ¬Prov(⌜G⌝)"

• A randomly chosen date sometime in the distant but not-too-distant future (when guests ask about the date, refuse to elaborate further)


AndarianDequer t1_ja1x4kv wrote

You should put it over top of a colored board and then frame it, that way the only color that shows is where it's missing.


pauliewotsit t1_ja0gv6d wrote


There, I said it for ya lol


skateboard_pilot t1_ja0oest wrote

Cool puzzle though. Is there a reason for hanging it upside down?


SuccessfulAnnual7417 t1_ja15wrd wrote

It looks like there is a piece upside down in the picture. It's almost the color as the table.


zxcvrico t1_ja29oks wrote

I feel like whoever manufactured that puzzle is trolling you, because anyone who would make a solid black puzzle, would also sell a puzzle missing a piece 😂


robboat t1_ja0lym8 wrote

Talk to my brother. He always took one so he could place the last piece.


Disruptive_by_Design t1_ja0or68 wrote

I have to know!!! Did you start in the middle or do the edge first???


GR3TSCH t1_ja0ua85 wrote

You should carve the last piece from cardboard and make it pink


PJKT42 t1_ja17tjv wrote

Hello darkness, my old friend


im_at_a_loss_4026 t1_ja19y07 wrote

I slide a piece of card stock underneath, trace, then cut several copies. Glue them together until I get the thickness of the surrounding pieces. Color the piece to fit the background.


SunsetDrifter t1_ja1mp7t wrote

The piece is in you. Only you can complete the darkness.


JoeyBones t1_ja1pwxz wrote didn't finish the puzzle!


Drug_Ninja t1_ja1v1wx wrote

The real missing piece is the friends we made along the way!


DimmyDimmy t1_ja27fz9 wrote

Its more artful this way


Shrimpdalord t1_ja2dml4 wrote

The imperfection makes it perfect like us.. hahaha!!

Create an extremely white piece and place it there!


inkcolors t1_ja2fk83 wrote

Cool. Hate discovering a missing piece. I did one that was round, all one shade of yellow except for 4-5 pieces that made a banana sticker. It was called Flat Banana.


Ambitious_Wish7958 t1_ja2lb2j wrote

I would buy one more of the same puzzle, and find the missing piece. Then i'd sell it on ebay again to people whos also missing a piece.


MaximumSink t1_ja2lk1c wrote

So… technically you haven’t finished this puzzle. /s


favnh2011 t1_ja2xhu1 wrote

That always happens.


tumblinfumbler t1_ja349vq wrote

I don't see the pleasure in finishing such a puzzle as this.


Phiction2 t1_ja4ejw9 wrote

Bet I could and would make that missing puzzle piece.


Embarrassed_Praline t1_ja4ntul wrote

My brother in-law took it. He's always sneaking away a piece until the end just so he can put in the last one. I hate that...


papadoc55 t1_ja4ojh3 wrote

Frame it and call it artwork.


EatethThyButt t1_ja4sy89 wrote

Guess you didn't "finish" it then.