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heyimyourra t1_ja57jtq wrote

Whole Foods with very little whole food


BalticRussian t1_ja5787f wrote

You are a crappy shopper if that's what 82 bucks gets you.


F350Gord t1_ja586z8 wrote

Considering you're shopping at the most expensive grocery store on the planet yeah, 82 bucks that's on you.


cosmoboy t1_ja5bed9 wrote

You got a little chicken mixed in with your fake chicken.


mikpgod t1_ja56sdq wrote

Much of this is not really food? Convenience food at best.


bikeidaho t1_ja570pt wrote

That thing of strawberries was $12 at our local store yesterday!


mikpgod t1_ja57zsm wrote

More fool you if bought?


bikeidaho t1_ja58tho wrote

Nope, walked right back out.

Didn't want them that badly!


SeaOnions t1_ja57mjy wrote

This is cheating since it’s whole foods. That place is an anomoly


tirnanog22 t1_ja56igo wrote

Where ? thats $30 where I live .


OpTicDyno OP t1_ja56fcm wrote

I’d like to state that I think this is a reasonable amount of food for $82 and yes I know I could have gone someplace cheaper but this was more convenient
