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theratris t1_j9yvj84 wrote

Ok thats so funny! My thought was It's like he's looking out from an airplane window.


Cardi-B1998 t1_j9yvj8z wrote

Why does he look like he’s disappointed in you, what did you do?


potato-dan t1_j9ywzmp wrote

The look when you go buy hookers and cocaine


BuhamutZeo t1_j9z3p91 wrote

Boy what do you think you're about to do?


BabyDeezus t1_j9z61vu wrote

Hahahahaha yes so hilarious I cannot stop laughing. Omg. That got me good. Very comedy, such humor! Lmao ROFL.


linkdead56k t1_j9z924d wrote

“You sure you want to make that purchase?”


theiosif t1_j9z9t9t wrote

Wait, how does your wallet work? Why would the center of a 100 dollar bill be in that position? I though maybe a credit card at first but no; the face would be 90 degrees in another direction. This feels staged AF. What am I missing?


cld1984 t1_j9zh9aj wrote

“You’re really about to spend me on a double-ended dildo? I signed the goddamn Declaration of Independence…”


harveylemmings-esq t1_j9zkeam wrote

Why is this so funny? I don't know if I could even put it into words


Zero_Burn t1_j9zmw6w wrote

Ben Franklin is just disappointed you're not spending him getting some booze and some hookers and partying it up in Paris, like he would have wanted.


ddrac OP t1_j9zp97e wrote

It’s an Apple magsafe wallet. It takes maximum 2 cards so I had to squeeze 100 usd without paying much attention. Later when I took the wallet up Mr. Franklin was looking at me 😄


kstinfo t1_j9zyxmw wrote

The Benjamins looking back.


girumo t1_j9zzvcq wrote

How dare you think about spending me


242terk242 t1_ja03pow wrote

Disappointed Paul Giamatti as the Hulk, peering at you


Ok_Swimmer634 t1_ja0cd84 wrote

How the hell do you live carrying only two cards. In my wallet I have, just off the top of my head, two debt cards, two fishing licenses, two insurance cards, one drivers license, one prescription card, one blood type card, and i am sure I am forgetting something else. But those are all the size and shape of a debt card.


bmrobin t1_ja0i55n wrote

not the other person you’re replying to, but i have those things and just take them when i need them. for example, i don’t need my extra debit and extra credit card when i leave the house for routine errands or hanging out with friends. similarly you probably don’t need to carry two fishing licenses if you aren’t going fishing?

that being said, nothing wrong with carrying what you do - just explaining why i carry less.


Ok_Swimmer634 t1_ja0jd03 wrote

Well the blood type card is really something everybody should carry. It might just save your life.

And if you knew the penalty for fishing without a license you would keep yours on you at all times just so you never forget it. The game warden can confiscate every thing you use to illegally fish. That includes your boat, trailer, and the truck you towed it with. Only fools dick around with game and fish laws.


GetBent009 t1_ja0q0kp wrote

Reminds me of Russel Crowe looking through the glass in Master & Commander


johnp299 t1_ja1pw65 wrote

It's all about the Benjamin, baby


khadaffy t1_ja2ye5h wrote

“You’re going to spend me on another thing that you don’t need, aren’t you?”