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Cookie-Senpai t1_jdenpnu wrote

Read up on the subject if you really want to know, I see that you already have preconceived ideas. Raise top marginal taxe rate is one option which has broad support in France among many others


savage_pooh t1_jdeylyt wrote

You can read a lot into two words. I know of many options. I’m curious about what those closer to the matter see as alternative solutions.


Cookie-Senpai t1_jdf57rd wrote

Top marginal tax rate increase, windfall taxes on exceptional profit (Highway companies and fuel companies made big profit headlines), increase of minimal wage, increase in company-side social taxes etc.

Basically many ways to not make the workers face the brunt of the cost.


symolan t1_jdgzj4k wrote

The marginal tax rate can amount to 48%. How high do you believe should it be?