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Walking_billboard t1_jdf5e9p wrote

So your basic theory is if you remove everything that the flag symbolizes then its fine? Sounds like the same thing the people waving the rebel flag would say.
Its the literal symbol of the murderous regime.

And, for the record, the US never murdered millions of people. We have crimes-a-plenty (looking at you S. America) but don't conflate them.


Cardellini_Updates t1_jdf6tln wrote

>And, for the record, the US never murdered millions of people.

This is such a laughably absurd lie, what the fuck? What the actual fuck is wrong with you people?

Millions dead in Vietnam. Millions dead in the "War on Terror" across the Middle East. God knows how many millions dead on account of our colonial history - Chattel Slavery and the expulsion of the peoples here before us. Objectively, you're an ignorant person - don't try to play a cutsie little numbers game when our closet is drenched in blood.

The East turned around under the communists and did in decades what took centuries for the West. And yeah, bursting out of thousands of years of subsistence farming into industrial modernity is not fun, but you are only correct on one thing - that there is no conflation, they crossed the bridge far more humanely, and it's not even fucking close. That's what it symbolizes.


JordanJP t1_jdg9n74 wrote

"did in decades what took centuries for the west" idk man it's almost like they had a whole ass history of what not to do that other people tried first. Now they don't even have to do that, they just steal intellectual property and other stuff via putting malware on electronics before they even get shipped.

"bursting out of thousands of years of subsistence farming into industrial modernity" was that before or after China decided to try and get rid of sparrows and ended up causing a famine that killed 15 million people by the lowest estimate?

"crossed the bridge far more humanely" remember when they executed clearly well educated individuals like yourselves because they thought anyone more educated than a farmer would eventually become subversive? Or was it by the CCP's own estimated 2 million killed and 7 million disabled in the Cultural Revolution? or deciding to oppress Uyghurs and put them in camps?

Honestly you sound like someone who would be arguing your case all the way up to being executed and kicked into a ditch by Red Guards for being a member of the educated bourgoisie.


Cardellini_Updates t1_jdgfy5j wrote

10 million - Genocide in the Congo

Over 3 Million Vietnamese dead expelling French & American colonizers

Irish Potato Famine 1 million dead.

15 Million Dead from pointless inter-imperialist Conflict of WW1

12 Million African slaves trafficked in Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

1 Million dead from immediate conflict against "Terror" in Iraq alone.

56 Million dead - Settling of the Americas

100 million - Colonial enslavement of India

???? millions - General rape of Africa

Black Hole calls the kettle black.