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Cardellini_Updates t1_jdic0ln wrote

I understand perfectly well what you are saying. Objectively it is rehabilitating Nazism. There's no way around that.


>The communist parties in each country in Eastern Europe were just as bad as the nazis.

Communists do not make pillows out of hair of jews. If you think these parties are equivalent you should be accused of Holocaust denialism or at minimum holocaust obfuscation, it's simple Nazi apologism and it contributes to a real ongoing project in Europe to rehabilitate Nazi collaboration. To say that the Red Army is the same animals as Jew-Gassers is absolutely a sign of relative Nazi sympathy, because at that point, hey, maybe your country's historic freedom fighters chucked some jews in an oven and enabled some of the most atrocious crimes of the 20th century, but it was all for National Liberation, right?

It's inhuman, it's not respectable or aligned with reality in a meaningful sense. There are simple facts of history - France was under the thumb of Nazism, 80% of Nazi soldiers died on the Eastern Front, and thus the bulk of responsibility for freeing France falls to the Soviets. Simple!

And further, you know very fucking well there is no unified opinion of the Soviet era, or if you don't, it's amazing how you have been lied to. 45% of Georgians still approve of Stalin. 70% of Russians. 79% of Armenians say the dissolution of the Soviet Union was harmful. 61% of Kyrgyz, and 56% of Tajikistanis agree. A third of Bulgarians approve of communism to at least some extent. All of this data is pulled from Pew, Gallup, etc. You're not being honest on how divisive this legacy this is, there are millions of people with just as much if not more "lived experience" than you who nonetheless still give a net positive appraisal as I do.

You shotgun out a mix of real issues, myopic slander, and nonsensical bourgeois liberal gibberish. But for the real issues - you'll notice at no single point have I actually denied that there were problems - there are many issues, there are aspects not worth defending, there is a reason it's not still around and that can't be attributed to malice or personal failings - those are why I support the turn China has made, they were correct during the Sino-Soviet split, history has proven them correct by making them the last major ML State standing, they continue to be ascendent and that is why they are the target of so much smear and fear.