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nemom t1_jbzdckw wrote

The world's smallest picture of the world's largest pearl.


trashtalkinmomma t1_jbzdqg8 wrote

I’m guessing it’s somewhere between the size of a dime and a Volkswagen


mrcssee t1_jc0ck2e wrote

You can clearly see 3 people standing at the front of the pearl. So obviously it is as large as a row boat.


cjthecookie t1_jbzds2x wrote

Bet he also had to read that book in 8th grade.


Opus-the-Penguin t1_jbzllmb wrote

8th grade for me too! Is that just the agreed-upon grade? Like, they had a secret meeting and decided to kill two dogs in 6th and up the stakes to some poor guy's baby in 8th? I'm trying to remember if they killed anything in 7th.


caspissinclair t1_jbzu5if wrote

But did he also get to watch the movie? I love the maniacal laughter he does when he finds The Pearl.


zyzmog t1_jc0ovxv wrote

Thought that was the world's largest kidney stone. That's what mine felt like.