RedmannBarry t1_jdp11nd wrote
Lmao I was gonna say
Milkshake_revenge t1_jdp80v0 wrote
Attractive and fit professional athlete still attractive and fit professional athlete, even 20 years later. Who would’ve guessed?
Ninjalikestoast t1_jdp8dqh wrote
It’s very impressive. I agree.
Nymphilis t1_jdp1jcc wrote
Clearly they never watched interview with a vampire
[deleted] t1_jdp1ori wrote
TactlesslyTactful t1_jdp4u5n wrote
All 4 pictures are in the sunshine
windsweptwonder t1_jdp9bra wrote
Under rated comment👍
the_deep_fish t1_jdqjevd wrote
she's a day walker like Blade
Ed3030 t1_jdp40rx wrote
OP just wanted to post his spank bank.
Jackoff_Alltrades t1_jdpa3ja wrote
In this case, his Pole Vault
iambluest t1_jdp5n1o wrote
The older she gets the less fabric she wears
The_RealWheezer t1_jdqp66j wrote
What regular exercise does to a mf
Ween_ween t1_jdp3tzf wrote
Seems like a wild take but I appreciate the pics
BernieRuble t1_jdp45ke wrote
Seems like a healthy person who has taken good care to remain healthy and fit?
[deleted] t1_jdp4qzp wrote
cincobarrio t1_jdp5ghq wrote
Looks like a person aging from high school through adulthood. (It is)
Alternative-Dare-839 t1_jdpa8tn wrote
Great physical form, damn.
BroadlyValid t1_jdpe58k wrote
I remember when everyone was trying to figure out who she was
Tractorhash t1_jdpm9o9 wrote
Hear me out. Diet and exercise actually work.
eggheadjc t1_jdptelm wrote
Heaps of genetics, gallons of hard work, sprinkle in Ricky Fowler’s money to taste.. and there’s your recipe.
ronaldoversoul t1_jdqo4xl wrote
“Dont look at me”
Ninjalikestoast t1_jdp0swu wrote
Because she went from being a child, to being an adult?