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Beginning_Fishing_83 t1_jegvngd wrote

It's so funny that they don't realize that "No Mandates" and "No Abortions" are literally a walking contradicting. Or in this case, a rolling one.


Neat-Access2357 t1_jeguxl1 wrote

Isn't there a recipe for abortions in the bible?


Iguana-Gaming t1_jeguh7q wrote

While I wouldn't encourage anyone to do something illegal like scratch their painting, I'd say that giving them car a wash with a hose wouldn't be considered illegal or damage of the property


GlobalTravelR t1_jegv7ei wrote

We have a few Trumpers in LA. Usually religious zealots, like this one. Or idiots who want to stand out from the crowd. There's this old guy in Beverly Hills who walks up and down the business streets, wearing his MAGA hat, hoping to get a rise out of someone he passes.


Bolthead44 t1_jegvuww wrote

Wow…that person really “loves” quotation “marks!”


redbirdjazzz t1_jeh1t1a wrote

And not a single one used correctly. As if I needed another reason to hate this person.


JynXten t1_jeguof9 wrote

Damn! Is vandalism common out there?


burneraccount3849 t1_jegw6y9 wrote

Is it considered violence when you’re clearly a fucking idiot?!


OriginalTurboHobbit t1_jegwp8e wrote

Clear sign of mental illness. I bet the idiots have a ton of guns too.


Spinaccio t1_jegzhxk wrote

I feel like people who have serious mental illnesses and are asking for help aren’t generally that hard to notice. We should do more to help these people regain rational states, for the good of us all.