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runner1918 t1_jdqlngc wrote

God damn you are needy for attention


[deleted] t1_jdqmfcs wrote



AnonPinkLady OP t1_jdrz5y2 wrote

Wow transphobia against a cis female and using the term "it". You're both wrong and horrible


mybabyandme t1_jdu2jf3 wrote

Lmao. Assuming anyone knows you’re a cis female is some SERIOUS main character syndrome. 🙄


prosequare t1_jdqxeij wrote

“You’re not needy. You’re wanty. There’s a difference.”


AnonPinkLady OP t1_jdrzk8f wrote

Have you ever thought about, maybe it's okay to dress nice once and a while and share a cool picture of it? Also what will happen, will the world cave in on itself because I shared a picture of myself? You say this like I did something horrible, I don't see how an outfit and a picture are so heinous. If you dont want attention dont give it and move on. I just liked this outfit. What a travesty
