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CrossP t1_jdfnwc1 wrote

Nige L Thornfurter


chosenwoton OP t1_jdfnznb wrote

Oh that’s better


CrossP t1_jdforb6 wrote

Long Frank ThornHexxus

The art is fabulous, btw


chosenwoton OP t1_jdfqdk0 wrote

You’re fabulous at naming things!


CrossP t1_jdfu19g wrote

Once I met Meg Ryan and asked her what it was like to work with Tim Curry on Captain Planet. She pretended to not hear me.


scorpyo72 t1_jdfu6fw wrote

Well done, OP. I strongly suggesting remastering the image in a digital program and selling the prints. The coloring everywhere is great except for the lips where your markers overlapped a little. It would also be pretty easy to draw a background similar to the "throne" background in "Sweet Transvestite" to 'frame' it.

Understand this is constructive criticism. I love the image, the coloring, and the overall presentation.

Edit- looking at it again, maybe just the remaster and a black background.


chosenwoton OP t1_jdfujv4 wrote

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your critiques and tips. I’m currently working with skills level vs attention span. Slowly down and finalizing would do wonders for me


scorpyo72 t1_jdfxcyj wrote

It's an issue, especially if you have any ADD issues. It took me till about 20 when I learned how to sit down and focus. I still have issues but I've gotten much better. Now days (30 years on) I can sit down and rough out a full concept in a few minutes.. seeing it through to completion is still a problem occasionally. Learn self discipline now and how to set goals for yourself.

I wish you good luck and success.


mysteriouscrater t1_jdfl0eu wrote

Literally incredible. Nigel is god.


chosenwoton OP t1_jdfl4x4 wrote

Tim Curry is the alpha and the omega


mysteriouscrater t1_jdflfz2 wrote

This show was way beyond its time. Now to go back and binge!


chosenwoton OP t1_jdflqgr wrote

Watch the wild thorn berries while the rocky horror picture show soundtrack plays in the background


angry_1 t1_jdfmr2c wrote

Im in


scorpyo72 t1_jdfsyv0 wrote

Would be interesting to see where the audience participation lines up. I have the lines from a show in Tucson from 30-some years ago memorized. Tragically, I haven't been in a while.


gundamxxg t1_jdfx8kn wrote

I’ll be waiting in antici…