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WhoAmI1138 t1_je1ix0j wrote

Cow fights back against McDonalds, news at 10!


wish1977 t1_je1jz18 wrote

You never kowtow to your enemies.


Spodson t1_je1ou63 wrote

Peace was never an option for Bessy.


WolfBST t1_je1pdnq wrote

W-which one is supposed to be the cute one?


BronchialChunk t1_je1rx0t wrote

Ha reminds me of my old German teacher in highschool. He grew up somewhere in germany close to a mine field apparently and one day he goes to check on his cow and it's not in the field where it was kept usually. Looks for it and see it's in the minefield. Understandably he's freaking out and doesn't want his cow to step on a landmine. Well it didn't, it just kind of wandered out and he was able to lead it away.


TarkusLV t1_je1uhya wrote

This sequel to Top Secret looks interesting. 🤔


jordantask t1_je1ysy6 wrote

“Hello my friends it is FPS Russia again…”


Oneamongthefence24 t1_je20flp wrote

The new Metal Gear game looks cool. Fun fact the Kojima logo is actually a cow so this makes sense.


Illustrous_potentate t1_je27i6p wrote

"careful, she's liable to fire that sucker up". From a Gary Larson comic, a dog with a chainsaw.


SonofTsathoggua t1_je286hy wrote

Pretty sure Duane Schultze talks about this AA unit in Into the Fire /s.


Minneapolis_W t1_je29629 wrote

Don’t kid yourself Jimmy, if a cow ever got the chance he’d eat you and everyone you cared about


Anon_Observ t1_je2eh6n wrote

Why is this some FromSoftware looking stunt. The totally unassuming living being is the one completely messing up your day


small_h_hippy t1_je2h89q wrote

The AA post was deserted since all the soldiers got cowed


mshan95032 t1_je2hm0j wrote

Moo-tal Gear Solid: Guns of (Louis) Pasteur


Primary-Pass t1_je2j3ms wrote

Wow can't wait for the new cows with guns song! Gonna be lit.


trucorsair t1_je2rxrj wrote

Now that the elevation is dialed in and the azimuth is set, we take the lanyard and move off in a diagonal direction from the recoil path….


snekbat t1_je42bk3 wrote

Bessie would later go on receive a death sentence at the Nuremberg trials for the indescriminate shelling of multiple eastern european villages. Witnesses of the execution claimed she was delicious. There were no tears shed for Bessie.


CheetahStocks t1_je459eu wrote

I remember playing Call of Duty 1 as a kid not really knowing the history of things since I was like 5. I always wondered about the dead cows littered in the game. Then I realized...


KaranSjett t1_je487ae wrote

Haven't you heard about the new sensation sweeping the nation?

Bitches love cownons..


Disastrous_Call1705 t1_je4c6rj wrote

Bessie battle cow transformer.....gets hit by recoil and transforms into 700 pounds of mincemeat


RoyalFalse t1_je5gffh wrote

Proof that Blizzard's cow level was, somewhat, based on history.


Travillick t1_je6079c wrote

What kind of cannon is that? Quarter pounder?