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hemorrhagicfever t1_je21mzz wrote

I want you to know, I believe most people go their entire lives with out having the desire to eat paint, particularly when they smell it.

If, when you look at this picture, you feel a craving, that's an experience unique to yourself and what I'm assuming is an extreme minority. If it was a significant number of people who had that feeling, even children, there would be products marketed "It's like paint but actually safe to eat!" That there aren't, is the indicator that your desire is extremely uncommon. Extremely.


good2youall OP t1_je23tpx wrote

I find this quite interesting, though I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s a desire, more like a reoccurring fleeting thought. Of course I’m not eating paint (not the healthiest) though I would’ve thought more people may have shortly pondered on what it’s like to eat. Reminds me of a time when kids I knew wanted to eat playdough, likely just due to the appealing look or texture.


hemorrhagicfever t1_je25iz6 wrote

playdough is salty. Kids put random shit in their mouth, not inherently with the intent to eat it. But there's a reason why it's not really a thing for kids to be eating silly puddy. And, I would say, texturally and visually, that's about as close as you'll get to paint. So that eating silly puddy isn't a thing is further evidence that you're in a unique position.