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Curious_Bar348 t1_iuf1djo wrote

At least you didn’t dress as Biden, because you might not have been able to finish a sentence and collect your thoughts long enough to make a readable post.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufbf7a wrote

I always am a little uneasy about these kinds of posts because they seem to be either uninformed that the man has a stutter or making fun of a person because he has a stutter. All those online clips of him are usually taken during periods when he’s trying to prevent his body from involuntarily repeating itself and succeeding at it. Feels like a weird avenue of attack…. It’s not like there aren’t really easily accessible clips where he’s not having a stuttering episode where he speaks for prolonged periods without any issue.

Views on politics whatever… going after him because he does what stutterers are told to do to avoid stuttering? Weird.


Curious_Bar348 t1_iufnh8a wrote

Having a stutter doesn’t have anything to do with some of his issues. Sometimes he just loses his train of thought and forgets what he was talking about or where he even is. I see FAR more posts about other politicians, but don’t dare say anything about Biden or his party. I get it though, what better way is there to make your own party look better, and keep the focus off of them, than to continually post about how terrible the other party is? I couldn’t care less what political views someone has, and I am pretty sure no one is going to switch their views because of random strangers post on social media.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufoppi wrote

I think probably the best way to see fewer political posts is for politicians to not do things that piss so many people off. I would suspect we wouldn’t see nearly as many posts if politicians were just… you know… focusing on balancing the budget or attempting to bring back jobs instead of saying group X is trying to have sex with children or trying to ban books because the people we normally would all agree were assholes are made uncomfortable by Harry Potter. Politicians aren’t supposed to only appeal to half the country… the reason you’re seeing so many people mad is because they are.

Everyone loses their train of thought. Unless you’re arguing you’ve never lost your train of thought when you’ve been coasting on a few hours of sleep while traveling across the country I think it might be worthwhile to grant some people some slack, regardless of political orientation. I hate it when non republicans do it too, it’s a ridiculous thing to focus on as opposed to say, their policies.


Curious_Bar348 t1_iufuzpx wrote

Legitimate concerns aren’t the problem, it’s posts about anything and everything negative, whether it’s relevant or not. The political affiliations of celebrities are irrelevant, yet people post about them constantly, trying to convince people that everyone affiliated with that party has the same extreme beliefs. Celebrities should stick to what they know and keep their political views to themselves.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufvlt4 wrote

I’m sorry, we’re somewhat drifting here. The celebrity posts are a symptom of “everyone’s angry at politicians doing shit that isn’t (or shouldn’t be) related to politics.” Make politicians stop calling certain groups of people less than human and you’ll probably have fewer celebrities that appeal to those groups of people feeling the need to tell those people that they aren’t less than human.


Curious_Bar348 t1_iufxk8y wrote

While that is true, I don’t go to concerts or watch TV to hear their political views, nor do I see a relevance to posting about them constantly. Most of the time it isn’t to bring awareness to the issues you mentioned, it’s meant to “make fun” of their extreme beliefs to try and win favor with their own party. This whole conversation is why I don’t usually discuss anything political, it never goes anywhere and no one changes their mind about their beliefs. However, I do appreciate the fact it was cordial and good points were made. Now I am off to go enjoy some reality TV, lol