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UnadvertisedAndroid t1_iuchyix wrote

MTG isn't scary, her constituents are. She's an obvious piece of shit with, thankfully, no sway in the government at large. But she has a following of mouth-breathing morons that will vote for almost anyone as long as they say stupid shit. Her following, legitimately, hinges on her saying the stupidest, most cringe-worthy shit.


Law_Doge t1_iucolr2 wrote


You’re about 15 years too early on this costume imo. Still did a good job with it though


KingCarnivore t1_iucxves wrote

This comes across more like an homage than a condemnation or parody.


Don_Ford t1_iud71mk wrote

Uh, I thought it wasn't socially acceptable to dress as nazis?


phhendafiend t1_iud7ksn wrote

Is the scope on the end of the barrel on purpose or am I missing something


Mayor_Of_Furtown t1_iud9inh wrote

Oh yeah I bet everyone loves you ruining the fun by bringing politics into it


Annoying_guest t1_iudaali wrote

Isnt it problematic to turn a mentality ill person into a costume


UnadvertisedAndroid t1_iudcw1m wrote

I guess the biggest difference being the level of bullshit their respective constituents are being fed and are willing to believe, and just how hypocritical, stupid and bigoted they're willing to look in order to defend it. But essentially, yes.


NewHampshireAngle t1_iuddi2e wrote

You’d better be prepared to spout nonsense to pull off a costume like that.


Phi1iam t1_iuddsqd wrote

looks appropriate based on the ages of the other party goers.


tint_shady t1_iude76h wrote

Actually a much more fair answer than I was expecting, kudos sir. Yeah, it would be nice if voters in both districts would vote these clowns out and shut this circus down and get this country back on track for the betterment of all Americans


MaybeYesNoPerhaps t1_iudebfq wrote

The scope placement is the only scary thing about this costume.


colombo1326 t1_iudebk7 wrote

MTG looks like a horse this doesn’t look anything like her


Majestic-Alfalfa-754 t1_iudewdi wrote

It's too bad that you couldn't make yourself uglier. Then you would have nailed it.


fangsfirst t1_iudfg3i wrote

I've been hearing a lot of convincing claims of late that if Congress swings the other way in January she'll have a shocking amount of sway given how fearful people like McCarthy are of "the base" and how much sway she holds with them, given she was—what, #3 fundraiser on her first term?


Remesar t1_iudfvup wrote

The resemblance is striking.


robotsquirrel t1_iudgtk1 wrote

I want to know more about the person who looks like an elder lady with a fake mustache, fanny pack, and tie dye dress? What's that costume?


rafael-a t1_iudh45e wrote

Why is the scope so forwards?


EgoAcid t1_iudhhyv wrote

Bold Choice, dressing up as a New Age Nazi.


Swimming_Cover5558 t1_iudhn7r wrote

Ya except your better looking. <3 Hope you had a good night.

EDIT: Wow look at all the simps for MTG


TheBugHouse t1_iudi0rf wrote

Where's the Valtrex prescription?


shaolinallan t1_iudip2o wrote

You need to work on your smug expression.


Furrealyo t1_iudiws8 wrote

Nice trigger discipline!


StillWill18 t1_iudjhf0 wrote

The cross dresser wearing the gay flag in the background doesn’t look too happy…


Perused t1_iudjtk2 wrote

It covers more than the scary base.

Oh and make sure you wash really good afterwards


Waldo68 t1_iudjwzc wrote

And no wedding ring! Nice flourish there


pugs-and-kisses t1_iudkx5r wrote

You are lacking a horse face and a blank expression.


kkurani09 t1_iudliae wrote

I gotta ask, what are you smoking? One is a dumb b trying to legislate her christian beliefs into law and the other is a young adult advocating for positive social change. I have no problem with conservatives but MTG isn’t that. She’s a trumper thru and thru and I have no problem telling her or anyone else who needs to hear it that she’s a total pos. Has no one told her this isn’t the PTA? Dont waste you time getting @ me.


78tronnaguy t1_iudnnau wrote

A bit too on the nose and "too soon". Put a miniature peach tree on a dish and carry that around.


gsxreatr02 t1_iudpth7 wrote

For the love of all that is holy, fix that scope. And add a 2 point sling.


anthony-wokely t1_iudq63w wrote

Need to lose about 50 pounds to pull it off IMO.


gsxreatr02 t1_iudqshw wrote

Not really. 14 5" barrel with a 1.5" compensater = 16" and its a rifle. Has a collapsible stock. But that sight is on the wrong end of the barrel. You want it as closr to the receiver as possible. I have several ars in 7",9", 14", 16 and a8" barrels. Building a 20" now. Anything under 16" has to have a fixed stock or registered as a sbr(short barreled rifle) which is just a $200 tax stamp and an ok from the government.


gsxreatr02 t1_iudrpvp wrote

True, but even the atf cant explain a sbr. Simplified answer because it fits. Also wish we could edit comments cause my spelling was atrocious. I wish the atf made things simpler, i just sold a 10" 300 blackout ar because stock was way to short for my 6'2" frame and wasn't registering it to put different stock on it.


Ironwolf7448 t1_iudwyr4 wrote

Hey OP, if this is your costume, either add a chamber flag to that rifle if it’s real, or paint the tip orange if it’s not. If you go out in public like this, you could get shot.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_iudyff6 wrote

But she isn’t scary.

She also knows the importance of a sling, and how to properly mount an optic.


DWright_5 t1_iudzopy wrote

Was this a tribute, or more like you were mocking her?

I could never wear a costume calling out an actual human being whom I despise. People could get the wrong idea


bulletbassman t1_iue0x8h wrote

Halloween parties are better without politics.


dogsarefun t1_iue2quj wrote

“Somewhere, a white person is planning a costume for tonight that’s going to fuck up their whole future.”

-tweet by comedian Neal Brennan


essdoubleU t1_iue4a6c wrote

I hate her too but man it's Halloween can we not do politics? Super cringey


Bleachsmoker t1_iue66sc wrote

Is that a real gun? It looks too real to be funny or cool. You probably scared a lot of people. I would just leave if I saw you there. Have a nerf gun or maybe an airsoft with a safety orange tip.


reconpj t1_iue87t7 wrote

Looks like you out pizzaed the Hut...


us2bcool OP t1_iue8q62 wrote

Nice analysis by some of you! It's a nerf gun spray painted black, and I couldn't get the scope all the way on because it's a cheap piece of plastic. Fuck it, it's a Halloween costume, it'll do.


us2bcool OP t1_iueaph4 wrote

OP here...holy heck, I didn't know this would blow up! I'm cool with people not liking it. If I wanted everyone to agree with me I wouldn't have posted on Reddit!

Couple of things people asked:

The party was at my house so obviously I knew everyone there. I did go back and forth about it in case it offended anyone but I got pretty good feedback so I decided to go for it. I would not wear this to a party where I didn't know the crowd.

The gun is a Nerf gun that I spray painted black. The scope is too far forward because it's a cheap piece of plastic and wouldn't go on all the way. Yeah, I should have left more orange on the tip but I didn't think of it. Either way, it's not going out in public.

The clown is my 80 year old mom. She said she was going for a Charlie Chaplin thing, I don't think it worked but she had fun.

I did ham it up. A lot.

Happy Halloween!


Phdpepper1 t1_iueb2ww wrote

Should’ve carried divorce papers around to really sell it.


MissMandaRegrets t1_iuedydm wrote

Nope. Too soon. Especially with Paul Pelosi in the hospital, Tucker Carlson still on the air and the Midterms around the corner. There's literally nothing funny about that shit show of a supposed human being.


mick_ward t1_iuefz7r wrote

I wouldn't let the cops see you like that.


Lkjhgfds999 t1_iuei1zj wrote

My roommate realized the hard way that sarcastic costumes need to be done a certain way.

We lived on Ohio states campus and her and her sister went as “Michigan fans”, which were our hated rival. All they did was dress normal with Michigan garb, though.

They went out to the nightlife and had the most horrible time lmao.


PissedFurby t1_iuej4mc wrote

tell me politics lives in your head all day without telling me politics lives in your head all day


rcsheets t1_iuem9uj wrote

That’s a kind of scary that I simply do not enjoy.


333H_E t1_iuerir4 wrote

Risky gambit, I'm curious how it was received at your gathering? The colorful individual behind you seems to have some misgivings about it.


ApplephobicDR t1_iuese32 wrote

There’s a fucking floating hand behind you and a fucking tye and dye Chaplin on the left….


spectr312 t1_iuevgwq wrote

So, cultural appropriation is okay again? Cool.


TechFiend72 t1_iuf0msn wrote

You forgot the backpack of money she has.


Curious_Bar348 t1_iuf1djo wrote

At least you didn’t dress as Biden, because you might not have been able to finish a sentence and collect your thoughts long enough to make a readable post.


strukout t1_iuf7a3i wrote

Well, the family and friends circle probably know her well enough to understand the satire


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufazd8 wrote

A lot of criticism here makes sense to me but this doesn’t. Like… there are people talking about literally shooting lgbtq people running for politics. There are people in government currently working to ban books on MLK Jr. we have laws on the books to fire someone for discussing law abiding citizens of the community because some people don’t think they’re as equal as other people. Somebody just broke into a persons house and attacked them with a hammer because of stuff politicians said. Like… if that doesn’t inhabit some part of your brain pretty regularly and concern you that… I dunno… those seem like fairly important things to be worried about to normal people. That should be scary to people.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufbf7a wrote

I always am a little uneasy about these kinds of posts because they seem to be either uninformed that the man has a stutter or making fun of a person because he has a stutter. All those online clips of him are usually taken during periods when he’s trying to prevent his body from involuntarily repeating itself and succeeding at it. Feels like a weird avenue of attack…. It’s not like there aren’t really easily accessible clips where he’s not having a stuttering episode where he speaks for prolonged periods without any issue.

Views on politics whatever… going after him because he does what stutterers are told to do to avoid stuttering? Weird.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufbnf5 wrote

Everyone focusing on the scope or whatever and I’m just impressed with someone’s dedication to their Thing costume from Addams family.


The_Gonzaa t1_iufcvaa wrote

I love maga hats, trump, guns. and boobs so this is awesome. This tinder photo would do well.


Lorf30 t1_iufjpa1 wrote

That scope placement is hideous.


PissedFurby t1_iuflxp0 wrote

its a holiday, a party. where you're supposed to be stepping away from the depressing shit about reality to have some fun. spend the other 350 days a year clutching your pearls in fear that someone (a tiny Infinitesimal percentage of society that is radicalized or mentally ill etc ) is coming for you and your way of life or whatever. there's a difference between being concerned with things, and becoming fanatical about them, letting them leak into every corner of your life and brain until it just becomes part of your personality and normal people roll their eyes at you behind your back lol

also, heres a reality check for you. people get their houses broken into all day every day in this country, and get attacked with hammers and knives and everything else. you only give a shit about this one because they're an elite that banners your political ideologies and it has political motivations that you can latch onto to validate your bipartisan hatred that has, like i said, leaked into your brain. and guise it as "fear"


Curious_Bar348 t1_iufnh8a wrote

Having a stutter doesn’t have anything to do with some of his issues. Sometimes he just loses his train of thought and forgets what he was talking about or where he even is. I see FAR more posts about other politicians, but don’t dare say anything about Biden or his party. I get it though, what better way is there to make your own party look better, and keep the focus off of them, than to continually post about how terrible the other party is? I couldn’t care less what political views someone has, and I am pretty sure no one is going to switch their views because of random strangers post on social media.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufoppi wrote

I think probably the best way to see fewer political posts is for politicians to not do things that piss so many people off. I would suspect we wouldn’t see nearly as many posts if politicians were just… you know… focusing on balancing the budget or attempting to bring back jobs instead of saying group X is trying to have sex with children or trying to ban books because the people we normally would all agree were assholes are made uncomfortable by Harry Potter. Politicians aren’t supposed to only appeal to half the country… the reason you’re seeing so many people mad is because they are.

Everyone loses their train of thought. Unless you’re arguing you’ve never lost your train of thought when you’ve been coasting on a few hours of sleep while traveling across the country I think it might be worthwhile to grant some people some slack, regardless of political orientation. I hate it when non republicans do it too, it’s a ridiculous thing to focus on as opposed to say, their policies.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufp6bd wrote

Respectfully I think it’s a problem when anyone gets their house broken into. I don’t really find a need to jump to diminish it when it’s a person I don’t like. The fact that we’re at a point where some people DO feel the need to say “people get their houses broken into all the time, you only…” might point to a problem that might make reasonable people scared enough continuously that blowing off a little steam at a party seems a reasonable way to maintain sanity.

1/3 of one particular party agrees that violence is needed to solve the problems of America and 1/5 of the country believes in QAnon [1]. That’s not a minority. That’s a scary large percentage. Imagine one out of every five people you see in a grocery ok with the belief that they might need to commit violence to solve the problems america faces… I think it’s reasonable to be slightly concerned about that.



Curious_Bar348 t1_iufuzpx wrote

Legitimate concerns aren’t the problem, it’s posts about anything and everything negative, whether it’s relevant or not. The political affiliations of celebrities are irrelevant, yet people post about them constantly, trying to convince people that everyone affiliated with that party has the same extreme beliefs. Celebrities should stick to what they know and keep their political views to themselves.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iufvlt4 wrote

I’m sorry, we’re somewhat drifting here. The celebrity posts are a symptom of “everyone’s angry at politicians doing shit that isn’t (or shouldn’t be) related to politics.” Make politicians stop calling certain groups of people less than human and you’ll probably have fewer celebrities that appeal to those groups of people feeling the need to tell those people that they aren’t less than human.


Curious_Bar348 t1_iufxk8y wrote

While that is true, I don’t go to concerts or watch TV to hear their political views, nor do I see a relevance to posting about them constantly. Most of the time it isn’t to bring awareness to the issues you mentioned, it’s meant to “make fun” of their extreme beliefs to try and win favor with their own party. This whole conversation is why I don’t usually discuss anything political, it never goes anywhere and no one changes their mind about their beliefs. However, I do appreciate the fact it was cordial and good points were made. Now I am off to go enjoy some reality TV, lol


peachpinkjedi t1_iufyh0l wrote

The really sad thing is a MAGA will absolutely wear this entire look unironically. Very true to life, 10/10.


DotAppropriate8152 t1_iug2non wrote

Nah you can still discern you have a very positive IQ in comparison to the character of your costume.


NoNetwork2818 t1_iug5j3m wrote

You mean mtg after letting herself go? Geesh


hellabad t1_iugc3zu wrote

A quick 5 second check shows me that you live in /r/politics where its basically a left leaning echo chamber. These parties you go to might not be left leaning echo chambers, people that voted for Trump are probably at that party and the last thing they want to deal with is politics at a fucking party.

Here's a better example that doesn't involve politics but its the same thing, imagine you're having dinner with a group of people and then someone decided to talk about how they are a vegan and how everyone in the group is a shitty person for eating meat. Lets say you were one of those people, would you really want to be around this person? This is literally the same type of person in the picture.

Honestly I think it would be hilarious if more people dress up as Trump supporters for Halloween and watch them get assaulted by their own side.


HannahCooksUnderwear t1_iugclkd wrote

People who bring politics or religion into Halloween suck The holiday has certain well defined fun limits.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iugdygz wrote

Yeah I do. I would prefer not to. I want to go back to a time when I don’t have to care about politics. But we don’t get there by not having these conversations. We get there by discussing and talking about our fears. And I hope, by my contributions in that subreddit, by making sure those discussions aren’t just emotion based but have research backing evidence and citations for those discussions and fears and calling out when anyone regardless of political leaning makes an unfounded statement. I hope that that’s not a bad thing. I don’t know for sure, but it seems better than the alternative.

I think the difference here between your example of veganism (of which there are reasonable pros and cons) and MTG (who has repeatedly called for her political opponents to be killed and who has repeatedly gone to white supremacy rallies…) is a matter of extremism. Calling for your opponents to be killed should be a thing we all agree is wrong. Going to white supremacy rallies should be a thing we all agree is wrong. That shouldn’t be a thing anybody at any party should be saying is a topic with two sides. This person seems to be hosting their party, it’s their choice if they want to make that a discussion. I think it’s a worthwhile discussion to have.


hellabad t1_iugm9jf wrote

There's your problem, everything is driven by emotion. That's why hate sells so well. While I don't support Biden or Trump I'm always fascinated how a entire website can lean so heavily to one side and a lot of people are oblivious to it but its because hate sells so well. The whole "its ok to do it to them because they are bad" is not a good look.

For example right now, this picture that's clearly anti trump as well as a picture of Elon Musk and Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell are all sitting on the front page of /r/pics even tho the 2 pictures of Ghislaine are old as fuck. If you look at the comments its nothing but hate.


ThreadbareHalo t1_iugnzw7 wrote

I think those pics are dumb because both Ghislane and Epstein frequently appeared with celebrities just to appear with celebrities. However I don’t think it’s hate to generally be angry at child sex traffickers. It’s just silly to try to insinuate something from those pictures. However I AM angry that no one seems to be trying to see if there’s more to those pictures… we know of almost no rich people that used ghislanes services when there absolutely were some that did. I would think we’d be angriest that famous child predators ARE out there but seem be protected from exposure. I don’t give a damn if they’re democrat republican or Martian. I don’t like sexual predators regardless of political affiliation. That’s not cool… but to your point, those pictures aren’t actual evidence of anything.

It’s not hate to quote what people say or to provide statistics for the things that are inaccurate. I think what you might be seeking is equality in people praising a certain person but that’s not exactly a reasonable expectation. Some people might be going out of their way to make enemies with people, for example by saying entire races are rapists and murderers, or saying an entire sexual orientation are child predators. When you’re seeking to make enemies of people in order to be popular… you’re going to have more enemies than friends. That’s just a reality of life. It would honestly be weird if it were otherwise. Perhaps if people wanted an equal appreciation in places like r politics they could try making party platforms focused on being friendly and inclusive to people instead of making party platforms intentionally trying to say certain people are less than human shouldn’t be learned about and, in some cases, shot for being who they are.

Otherwise we’re saying there should be an equal amount of people who like the people saying some of the people on Reddit are subhuman or should have less rights. Like what do you think is gonna happen? Why aren’t bullies liked by equal amounts of people? Tons of those people up and downvote shit. If you want people liking your political stuff on Reddit maybe don’t make pissing off a group that makes up 1/5 of the population for one part of your platform and half of the population for the other!


AbbreviationsFuzzy96 t1_iugu4dz wrote

Nope. You don’t have her monkey face and you haven’t already propositioned the mustachioed one behind you to make yourself feel better about your MAGA pathetic fake kipping pull-up 100 IQ loser Nazi sad aging meat bag life.