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tacodog7 OP t1_iuf2s71 wrote

They had a baggy of candy but also "you're going to hell, sinner" Christian bullshit


QuitcherBitchin54 t1_iuf4l1d wrote

💯 sure you would’ve approved if it were something to promote lgbt stuff or planned parenthood instead. Your propaganda isn’t better than theirs.


tacodog7 OP t1_iuf6sbk wrote

Yes it fucking is, first of all. My propaganda is about acceptance and tolerance, not hate and hell. Second of all, it's halloween, not proselytize to children day


QuitcherBitchin54 t1_iuf70zb wrote

You have proved just in this reply that you aren’t about love and tolerance. Have a good day.


tacodog7 OP t1_iuf775g wrote

Im not tolerating hate cults. I dont tolerate nazis either. Doesnt make me the ReAl NaZi, rEeEeEe

EDIT: Holy shit your post history. This is why I say all of social media is right wing. You are scum my guy


theedgeofoblivious t1_iufa9h5 wrote

This is why it's useful to install RES, so you can tag problematic users like that one, so you know who they are and can avoid feeding their desire to waste your time.


tacodog7 OP t1_iufaslc wrote

im on reddit is fun rn, but yea for sure


pharaohandrew t1_iuf5n8r wrote

Why would any propaganda be handed out instead of candy? What the fuck are you talking about?


D1ngD0ng72 t1_iufoz78 wrote

Jesus feckin’ christ! It’s a holiday for kids to get candy. The world is a rough enough place with more than ample amounts of intolerance, so why do you insist on adding to it?


QuitcherBitchin54 t1_iufx79a wrote

I didn’t add to anything. You are all just offended by the truth of hypocrisy. This will be my last reply.


D1ngD0ng72 t1_iug52i3 wrote

You know what? How about you go “trick or treating” to about 50 houses or so and definitely go to as many as you can that proudly display the rainbow flag. I will eat my fuckin’ hat if any of those houses try to recruit you into any “queer lifestyle/agenda” or hand out Planned Parenthood pamphlets and instead just give you candy with a genuine smile.