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freddiepow t1_iua8hi1 wrote

Think it’s little shop of horrors right?


ec_on_wc t1_iualeil wrote

This caption feels intentional to make people "Um, actually..." in the comments


pezdal t1_iue6a75 wrote

I notice a lot of obvious spelling/grammar/logic errors in titles.

I wonder how much of that is also karma farming?


LJboogie_ OP t1_iubprec wrote

Tbh, I didn’t think people would remember the little shop horrors movie. Silly me


dlama t1_iuc14pb wrote

It's still playing Off Broadway in NY, I just saw it a month ago.


pezdal t1_iue62f9 wrote


But you are not being honest.

It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

(I wonder if that is the reason you said "tbh").

I am downvoting this post.


non-number-name t1_iuchuz3 wrote

I can understand why your comment would be downvoted, but this is a bit much.

Like golf; your short game needs some work.


LJboogie_ OP t1_iubqoub wrote

Yes, I didn’t think people would know the reference if I mentioned the Audrey 2. Most people in my town just though she was a piranha plant from super mario. She won first place in her age group tho.


anothadaz t1_iuc4rm8 wrote

Reddit has a lot of Gen Zers. That's one of the things they makes it so fun for some of us. You can reference 70s and 80s stuff and people know exactly what you're talking about.


Xanthus179 t1_iuci3bh wrote

I’ve even seen the version from the 60s. It’s pretty horrible but it does have one of Jack Nicholson’s earliest roles.


Atticus_Murphy t1_iu9za0n wrote

Well ain't that the cutest little Audrey II


LJboogie_ OP t1_iu9zmwt wrote

Thank you! That was the inspiration.


phthophth t1_iub0x1f wrote

If you have never seen the Roger Corman film, do yourself a favor and watch it. I love the Frank Oz musical, and that film is loaded with talent. However, in my opinion, Corman's film is both funnier and more interesting.

No discredit to Frank Oz, who his a brilliant polymath!


NecroJoe t1_iubl7gp wrote

I never gave that version a fair shot, because when I was much younger, I bought it on VHS because the cover said Jack Nicholson was in it. He got top-billing. I got a short time into it, and either he wasn't in it yet, or played a mostly bit part, and I lost my patience with it. Seems like I need to give it another shot with my more more open mind, and with realistic expectations.


phthophth t1_iubmxeu wrote

:) You get my upvote! It's an underrated movie.


Happyberger t1_iubnmvt wrote

Jack plays a delivery boy or something like that very early in the movie, he's in it for all of about 8 seconds. I bought the same copy with his name and picture plastered on the front. He also looks like he's about 15 years old, but definitely still very much looks like him.


carriegood t1_iuc1t49 wrote

He's a masochist who goes to Audrey's dentist boyfriend.


Jedimasteryony t1_iuc6ir3 wrote

He plays the same character as Bill Murray in the musical version. Weirdo that likes teeth being worked on.


ginga_bread42 t1_iub3dxx wrote

Lol I think you're the only person to say that a Roger Corman film is funnier and more interesting than a real movie. Though I did notice you didn't say it was better.


phthophth t1_iub8zt2 wrote

I would not rate either movie is better. From your comment, it sounds like you may not have seen the original. It is a really good movie! It is darker, funnier, and more thought provoking. However, it does not have the production polish of the Frank Oz film for obvious reasons. The comedy in the original is quite dry, so do not watch it with any expectations.

In my opinion, one thing that makes the Frank Oz film great is that it is so very different. Please just give the Corman film a chance.


ginga_bread42 t1_iub9d3j wrote

I haven't seen the original in its entirety honestly. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing to find when I was looking for it. I do however know how Roger Corman movies tend to work lol. Even when they're terrible its kind of fun to watch.


phthophth t1_iubf2ee wrote

It's actually a very intelligent movie. Some of the acting could be better, but most of the acting is great.


perkilicious t1_iuaaepu wrote



DoomOne t1_iubhpkg wrote

Subsequent to the events you have just witnessed, unsuspecting jerks from Maine to California made the acquaintance of a new breed of flytrap and got sweet-talked into feeding it blood.


LongJonPingPong t1_iuadk9o wrote

“I've given you sunlight I've given you rain Looks like you're not happy 'Less I open a vein”


peachpinkjedi t1_iuapdho wrote

Looks more like Little Shop of Horrors.


StarWarsLvr t1_iub4ynn wrote

Not a piranha… it’s from Little Shop Of Horrors


TheLastGerudo t1_iubd7du wrote

Yeah that's not a piranha plant lmao. It's Audrey II.


MrGraveRisen t1_iuarg3o wrote

Tell me you're a Karma whoring bot account without telling me you're a Karma whoring bot account


tanman729 t1_iubsq0m wrote

Thats audrey II you goddamn philistine


SlapMeHal t1_iuaesd9 wrote

feeeeed me, seymour


iamloeky t1_iuakzhs wrote

Little shop of horrors.


Kind_Nebula6900 t1_iualmid wrote

"Ill be your dennnntist" Great movie/musical.


edwartica t1_iucn4f9 wrote

Seen the musical three times! Every production seems to get better and better.


suddenlyshoes t1_iuawt09 wrote

That pumpkin bag/basket is so fucking cute. I wonder if it’s handmade too, because I want instructions.


Johnykbr t1_iub546o wrote

Are we not allowed to say Audrey II in the title?


rosetterosette t1_iubksj6 wrote

That’s from Little Shop of horror’s


iamdan819 t1_iubsyvf wrote

Audrey II was not a piranha plant though...


Stillwater215 t1_iubtak8 wrote

That’s not a fly trap. It’s a Rick Moranis Trap!


KingBlackToof t1_iuapacx wrote

That's so good I'm considering wearing one all year round! lol


SomeoneInDevon t1_iub2b2v wrote

Aww I hope she’ll treasure this for all time.

I tutor a 12 year old every Thursday via zoom - she was “internet famous” a few years ago and never wants to be reminded of her prior fame as an extremely cute baby.


Omnomnomnivor3 t1_iub3vsu wrote

eyyy now that costume too cute!! give her some candy!!


polkaguy6000 t1_iubvif3 wrote

That is no piranha plant. This is Audrey II.


server075 t1_iuc1ddt wrote

Do we feed it flies ?


Thatonellama101 t1_iucdw3r wrote

saw the pic before caption and was like 'iS tHaT a MoThErFuCkInG lItTlE sHoP oF hOrRoRs ReFrEnCe?!1!1'


SGI21 t1_iucqgbu wrote

Feed me Seymour!!!!


AwdrevCZ t1_iudbt5c wrote

Nice Adela ještě nevečeřela costume


amoretpax t1_iubi5x1 wrote

It’s giving me “cow plant from the Sims” vibes