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IamCornhoLeo t1_iufrwav wrote

Guy behind Bill really the dude who knew


Exodiafinder687 t1_iug6iky wrote

It's always funny how there's tons of comments on the Trump pics that people don't defend or make excuses for Clinton, but then when pictures showing him in a negative light are posted they're downvoted into oblivion to hide them from reaching the front page.


1320Fastback t1_iug1p1n wrote

That fucking guy in the background on the left knows something.


Brambleshoes t1_iufsspt wrote

And that’s Rosie O’Donnell in the back #dranetheswomp


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saigonk t1_iufrvs8 wrote

And? I know there's this big "anyone who is in any photo or near Epstein must be involved or themselves exploiting" but honestly when you are that rich, you tend to run in circles with other famous people.

it would not be unusual for these individuals to meet someone, get a phot, and have no other connection,. And before it is mentioned, you could certainly travel on his jet without having been part of his other activities.

im not saying I would rule it out, but lets be 100% transparent about it all.


bright_shiny_objects t1_iufrwd1 wrote

Finally the smoking gun! We can finally do something now so these images will stop popping up.


Mo0kish t1_iufsxx4 wrote

Oh no!

Why, this completely negates the mutltitude of pictures of Trump and Epstein!

Whatever will the anti-trumpers do now?


Ceethreepeeo t1_iugzgwv wrote

Negate, wdym? Both can be pos at the same time, you know


Weird-Vagina-Beard t1_iuhv759 wrote

Most of us want all pedos locked up, we don't want to protect one because they have the right letter next to their name you pedophile.


wish1977 t1_iufs4ip wrote

We're gonna pick up Trump in twenty minutes.


nothatdoesntgothere t1_iuftxxi wrote

Matt Gaetz just paid a 14-year-old to jerk him off to this photo.


BuffaloJackalope t1_iug6xb0 wrote

To Clinton, Epstein was a just another rich guy who he could squeeze some money out of.

To Trump, Epstein was his one and only best friend.

Not the same
