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samfreez t1_iuhzp2f wrote

God damn you people need to find a new hobby. Once you realize nobody on the left gives a shit whether or not Clinton is investigated and punished for anything he's found guilty of, the sooner we can move on as a species.


Susan37mom OP t1_iuhzwin wrote

Awww I find it hysterical that when any picture of the left with these crooked folks seems to be a reason to throw a temper tantrum but show a republican with them and you're all cheering. It's comical at this point


samfreez t1_iui0g0m wrote

People on the left: Ok, investigate them and punish as necessary

People on the right: Look at the lefty getting so mad!

Yep, really comical.

Edit: Yeah, I shoulda figured it was a bot. Replied in literally half a second with a nonsense reply. Say hello to Russia for me.


Jaert t1_iui6dmb wrote

You can say that all you want, but we see how the hive votes... this site only cares about corruption on one side.


samfreez t1_iuiagnj wrote

So suggesting we'd welcome investigations and punishment based on evidence is somehow not caring about corruption then?


Jaert t1_iuidr1e wrote

I mean, you can say whatever you want, but it's disingenuous. The way posts are voted on here shows how reddit as a whole feels about it.


samfreez t1_iuieh06 wrote

In what way is my comment disingenuous?


kmmontandon t1_iuic6xp wrote

What office is Bill Clinton running for? And how many donations has he taken for a fake legal fund?

Because you people plaster yourselves with Trump's name and fly his flags from every surface you can attach one to, while going to his dumbass rallies to listen to him rant incoherently.

Between Trump and Bill Clinton, only one of them has a slavish base of supporters who can't wait to vote for him again in 2024.