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No-Prisoner t1_iui4d1u wrote

Oh boy, how the corrupted corrupt, engage in coverups, handoff favors to the elitist clan who when caught run the virtue signalling scam by always pointing fingers, name-calling and ever denying while all others are deniers. Everyone's a bigot, a racist, a hater and now " MEGA MAGA TRUMPIAN TERRORISTS" along with concerned the parents at school board meetings, the churches, mosques and temples are all cast as threats to democracy. Better wear the mask and shut down businesses then spend, spend, spend. Truth is this country was founded on Judeo Christian philosophy no matter what guilt you find in our history that somehow you relate to or sympathize with. When Clinton lied under oath, besmerched the White House with sexual liaisons all the while wife not far away, created the banking crisis with houses for everyone, enriched themselves, you all looked away. Thus, giving credence to the likes of Epstein, Maxwell, the vile Hollywood producer, the power brokers of new green deals to nowhere, AOC, the Squad, etc and squandered Israel's peace deal, Afganistan withdrawal and now a man who doesnt know how many states their are in a country he supposedly runs with the highest inflation in our countries history.
