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structuremonkey t1_iuj01o9 wrote

Tax codes? Have you ventured into zoning ordinances?


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj2oqi wrote

You're really still on zoning ordinances? Someone's stuck in the '90s. Eat my banana u/structuremonkey.


structuremonkey t1_iuk8gbf wrote

It's Colin Robinson...he's a closeted zoning officer. Now a toddler ...just trying to find his way into life sucking boredom...

And trying to avoid Lazlo and Nadia..and all their recent f'king...


Slurms_McKensei t1_iukaal8 wrote

Actually, its and 80s thing, dumbass!

[.......hes getting to me......]


thekillercook t1_iuj3z5v wrote

Look you really haven’t lived until you looked at regional differences in local food service health codes.


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj4re3 wrote

I think the federal government should force all restaurants to have single-sex bathrooms.


thekillercook t1_iuj5dtc wrote

The hand washing coded in each state is so engrossing, did you know in one county of New York you must wash for 45 seconds, another 15, man I am not eating in that county, although I heard they are famous for this one beef dish that is served on a Salted seeded bun. The funny thing is neither the seeds or the salt is from that area however……


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj5ryj wrote

Didn't ask.


OsamaBinFuckin t1_iujinjw wrote

Is this a quote or a series of back and forths?


BurkeWood t1_iuj5n6d wrote

When I see that actor all I can think is “Gum’s gotten mintier lately”…


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj67v7 wrote

People underestimate the quality of properly minted gum. It makes orange juice so much better.


TheGoodDoctorGonzo t1_iujn0y3 wrote



eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujnbva wrote

Bob Odenkirk is a terrible actor.


TheGoodDoctorGonzo t1_iujp12w wrote

This is just Mark Proksch performing the “actual” squat cobbler video. Odenkirk isn’t in it at all. Even if you hate odenkirk or breaking bad/bcs this is still worth watching bc it’s just Mark dressed as a lifeguard acting out a 3 minute “squat cobbler porn” video


IllumiMahdi t1_iujxisn wrote

idk if this is sarcasm or not, imo he's a great actor


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujy07p wrote

Clearly you don't know what good acting looks like.


IllumiMahdi t1_iujy9do wrote

yikes man instead of falling back to petty strawman, why not defend your case? no need to be a dickhead


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujyg3c wrote

Hahaha, the person I'm dressed as, Colin Robinson, purposefully trolls people online as a source of food or energy. I'm doing a bit. I love Bob Odenkirk.


IllumiMahdi t1_iujz7mh wrote

MY APOLOGIES MAN I HAD NO CLUE, I just recognised the actor from BCS because he was great there

you might be just as good at acting as odenkirk himself ;p


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujzgiw wrote

No worries haha. I don't actually want to upset anyone - just having some fun with it :) Happy Halloween and thanks for the energy!

BCS is a great show, btw!


MAVERICK_25800 t1_iuizmpr wrote

Thats actually gold😂


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj2tz4 wrote

Gold actually isn't even close to one of the most precious metals.


apackagefromted t1_iuj7t10 wrote

Would happen to know why pencils are yellow? I have time.


Kudos, love the costume.


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj860a wrote

Pencils are great but I just bought a pack of gel pens and have been filling out my paperwork in pink lately. I dot all my 'i's with hearts.


Aqueilas t1_iujas3n wrote

He sits in cakes


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujax9o wrote

If they didn't want me sitting on them then they shouldn't make them so comfortable.


fallen_preacher t1_iujs2dc wrote

Looked at this picture for 5 seconds, I woke up 10 hours later!


rasputin415 t1_iujkuqf wrote

Brilliant, Colin Robinson. Brilliant.


BurnerForJustTwice t1_iujtq3x wrote

I thought this is the guy worked in IT and stole opioids from a pharmaceutical company then went to sell it to a cartel in his brand new yellow hummer with flame decals.


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuju189 wrote

The pie thing was just a phase. I'm really trying to leave that in the past...


jbarinsd t1_iujqg7r wrote

I’m strangely suddenly exhausted from looking at this picture.


Al2718x t1_iuk8eoj wrote

I first learned about this actor when he pranked a bunch of local news networks by telling them he is a yo-yo master who teaches kids about helping the environment. Highly recommended:


[deleted] t1_iuj825f wrote



eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuj8dne wrote

Yes, you've just explained how people work. Back off, guy, these are my hunting grounds.

Edit: victory is mine.


madtown88 t1_iujcir6 wrote

Do you need a lozenge, or...?


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujd2fv wrote

Depends on what you smell. If it's poo then it's not me, it's actually Guillermo's fault. Maybe give him a lozenge.


XFataMorganaX t1_iuk8su4 wrote

Aww hell. That's the most terrifying vampire of all.

God I love him.


BigUptokes t1_iukalhn wrote

Hey Laszlo, guess what?


wildfire2501 t1_iujbz4d wrote

Honestly I find the taxes related to healthcare to be horrific. Especially those relating to dentist #10's eight paid vacations a year....


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujcqz4 wrote

The US is clearly the heart of capitalism. If only the rest of the world would catch up to our modern private healthcare system and keep minimum wage below $10/hour then the rich would finally be able to activate their trickle-down economic plans.


DeepsCL9 t1_iujoomi wrote

How is Evie Russell doing these days?


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujpmfb wrote

She's on vacation in the UK. Last I heard she met the former prime minister.


peachpinkjedi t1_iuju3y6 wrote



eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujv1vb wrote

Well, a lot of kings and their families suffered from hemophilia. It was a pretty unfortunate blood disease which kept the blood from clotting so even minor cuts and scrapes could prove to be deadly due to increased blood loss and exposure to infection. The problem was that the royal families several hundreds of years ago were really into keeping their bloodline and familial ties as pure as possible. This naturally led to inbreeding as daughters were married off back and forth between kingdoms and family trees. This had the unfortunate effect of keeping the genes supporting hemophilia alive in the bloodline among other birth defects. I'm going to grab some coffee but when I get back I'll tell you more about the political system at the time and why all this was necessary from a cultural, social, and religious point of view as well.


GroinShotz t1_iuk1jnt wrote

Have you thought of buying a bright yellow hummer with your stolen pharmaceuticals that you're selling?


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuk1qzy wrote

I had one of those at one point. I sold it to fund my pie addiction. It got really out of hand so I moved to New York with some friends and am trying to just live the simple life.


Slick_36 t1_iuk4i4h wrote

You need to Photoshop some rotting flesh in the reflection, then take a normal picture without the mirror. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out his reflection in the Atlantic City hotel room shortly before his 100th birthday.


DreaminDemon177 t1_iuk5iun wrote

You should bring along a pencil sharpener and stand in groups of people sharping your pencils.


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuk67i3 wrote

I can't do that too often or Jen from HR will get suspicious. Lately I've been stopping by the mailroom to collect the local ads. I fill my drawer with them and spend a few hours shredding them first thing Monday morning.


reallywhoelse t1_iukavma wrote

Do you own a yellow Hummer and collect baseball cards?


moatsmd t1_iujybub wrote

What a boring costume. Great job


Spyes23 t1_iujysdi wrote

I'm dozing off just looking at you. Good job!


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iujyx3e wrote

We've been trying to get in touch with you about your car's extended warranty.


Previousman755 t1_iuk2q4i wrote

He was better in r/bettercallsaul


eat_with_your_fist OP t1_iuk3jjn wrote

I was kicked out of every bakery in NM and had to find opportunities elsewhere.


humdawg t1_iuk3e7c wrote

He's one of my favorite characters in that show


Noxx-- t1_iuk5ihh wrote

u look like the guy who sold the pills in better call saul


Exay t1_iuk80dy wrote

Nailed it