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Mosmordre_ t1_ixwj5be wrote

Fuck thanksgiving, that's not a real holiday. Christmas is relatively worldwide, thanksgiving is some American made bs.


strangeanimal t1_ixwjwtu wrote

Same guy that I guarantee has pulled the line "I fought for your freedom" is now bitching that people are exercising their freedom by putting up some lights.


adunahay t1_ixwlpcp wrote

I read that as “I don’t want other people to be happy”


yesIdofloss t1_ixwlw9p wrote

Christmas isn't the only holiday people use string lights for.


jshiplett t1_ixwuy99 wrote

Let people like what they like.


DrKoooolAid t1_ixwwx8c wrote

I'll never understand the people who get so butthurt by people putting their Christmas stuff up in October/November. Or even worse when they blow a gasket that stores put Christmas stuff out in the fall.

Like chill. It's literally not effecting you at all. Nobody is forcing you to buy Christmas stuff in October. Nobody is forcing you to put lights up early (or at all).

It's fine if you don't enjoy Christmas. But fuck off if you freak out about other people enjoying it.


_make_meifucan t1_ixx0qiu wrote

"You will observe the holiday in its proper time frame with the appropriate lighting or so help me God, I will turn this car around and you'll never leave your room again the rest of your life": My mom iirc


ThunkAsDrinklePeep t1_ixx5a0t wrote

What a wired take. I don't think Guy Fawkes, or Dia de Los Muertos aren't real holidays just because they aren't part of my cultural heritage.

The curmudgeon's point is that early celebration of one holiday shouldn't eclipse another. But based on the sentiment, license plate shape, and visible flag, I think we can assume the photo is of an American by an American. So Thanksgiving is a fair benchmark for the start of Advent for them.


sirguynate t1_ixx5bw3 wrote

Wife and I have a tradition to put up the Christmas tree the weekend after thanksgiving. Any earlier is just plain disrespectful!


sambolino44 t1_ixx5rx3 wrote

Man, I already knew elf was a shitty job, but… damn! Had to check that this wasn’t r/antiwork.


Grove-Of-Hares t1_ixx6poa wrote

What a loser. Let people enjoy the holidays.


GoodLuckWithWhatever t1_ixx72f5 wrote

Being a little sarcastic here someone who LOVES pumpkin spice it does really suck when the first two weeks of October the fall stuff starts getting replaced with Christmas stuff.

I went to our local BJ's (wholesale club) because they advertised Stocks pumpkin spice cold brew. It's $1-2 cheaper than the regular market. I show up (first weekend of October) and what do they have? Fucking peppermint. No pumpkin anywhere to be found. Fucking assholes and their false advertisement. I didn't blow a gasket though, I just bitched a bit to my wife, who agrees with my sentiment, and we moved on with our lives.


Background_Junket_35 t1_ixxbkox wrote

I don’t understand why this upsets people. They. Are. Lights. Get a life asswipe


Original_A_Cast t1_ixxbymc wrote

Every time “All I Want For Christmas” comes on, a reindeer stomps an elf


Scizmz t1_ixxjkx3 wrote

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhhhhh.... the blood shall flow!


ely105 t1_ixxkim6 wrote

I actually prefer my holidays separated. Enjoy Thanksgiving for what it is and take a little break then get into Christmas. More is not better. But everyone has their own preferences.


spidermom4 t1_ixxl1wh wrote

My husband used to be the type that got annoyed by Christmas in November. But he had our Christmas lights up 2 weeks before Thanksgiving because our 5 year old daughter asked him to and was so excited about it. Christmas makes people happy, let them enjoy it!


castiglione_99 t1_ixxs54r wrote

That's an interesting variation of the God killing kittens meme.


BraceThis t1_ixy0pqr wrote

“He’s probably a Trump voter”

I’d expect Reddit to call this out much sooner. Comments are weak y’all.

More Trump associations please.


omnia5-9 t1_ixy0r10 wrote

Lmfao 🤣 but nah dude we over due it fucking having Christmas carols on repeat from mid November till Christmas is Insanity


Pirrats-SD t1_ixy10zo wrote

This is the guy pre 2016 that thought there was a war on Christmas


Kevine04 t1_ixy1osa wrote

Good thing I only put up holiday lights...


FoeNetics t1_ixy3ycu wrote

🤣 in an odyssey….i cant really pin down any vehicle that could properly deliver this crappy message, but just not a family oriented mini van.


clamps12345 t1_ixy7i64 wrote

After my lasik surgery I have star burst in my vizion at night. The lights make it worse, add snow and I basically can't drive at night. I don't mind any of that as much as the music.


Arachnid_Lazy t1_ixy97xh wrote

As a non American I just don't get the obsession your veterans have with letting everyone know that they're veterans ... we have veterans too but they don't parade around with fecking stickers and badges like the defence force equivalent of vegans


Marklithikk t1_ixyc7or wrote

It's Christmas music that deserves to be taken out back and shot, not lights.


Mr_Cleanish t1_ixym3vd wrote

I'll never understand some people's rage towards pretty twinkling lights


[deleted] t1_ixyvb8n wrote

Good thing I only put up holiday lights


NWBoomer t1_ixyzy37 wrote

My neighbor put up their Christmas lights the day after Halloween. But then Christmas ads started showing up on TV days even before that. We now celebrate Christmas two months of the year.


ilikeexploring t1_ixzhvgv wrote

Only people more lame than this guy are the people in the comments taking it waaaay too seriously/personally.


its_not_you_its_ye t1_ixzwszz wrote

[obligatory pointing out that there’s a significant variance in culture throughout the country]

But, there’s a bizarre conflation among many US Christians between military service and their religious belief. I literally tuned in to a Christian radio channel yesterday that was talking about a soldier that was killed in Afghanistan, and how his death was God’s calling for him and a testament of his faith to all who heard his story.

The mentality itself is very much a product of the Cold War era; while the Soviets were opposed to many forms of religion, the rhetoric in the US conflated religious belief with patriotism, since the US was the major opposition to the USSR. In the years since the fall of the USSR, many parts of the US have shifted away from that mindset, however, that has further entrenched many of those who still hold onto those beliefs.

Even among many non-religious, though, there’s still a holdover of a sense of a “higher duty” to appreciate the service of veterans. Essentially, because they were seen as a modern martyr. Ironically, there are many veterans who resent this, though, and see it as inappropriate glorification.


redtopquark1 t1_ixzx5qw wrote

Went to the store for Halloween candy in mid-October and they’d already transitioned to Christmas candy/decor. It’s beyond ridiculous at this point.


sfan27 t1_ixzxz61 wrote

I did the same thing, but for my wife. She gets pretty bad seasonal affective disorder, and on top of that had a shitty couple of months at work and health-wise. I surprised her by putting up so the lights while she was at work 2 weeks ago. It was the best decision; looking at the lights really helped her SAD, and multiple dog walking neighbors commented to me while I was doing some yard work how much they enjoyed seeing them (our house is very visible entering the neighborhood).