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niftyifty t1_iy2g4e5 wrote

Heh… Did you know the goal is to rip off the entire top and that’s your starting point? Your mission has only just begun


xantxant t1_iy2jhlx wrote

Yeah I just thought--wait, now that you've done this, how are you going to get the cheese packet out of there?

This explains everything.


johnbell OP t1_iy4g4ky wrote

Instructions unclear. Burnt myself pouring boiling water into the hole.


aaronmichael22x t1_iy5uo9u wrote

There's your problem, you pour water into the box and then you boil it.


Jarl_Xar t1_iy2gm0n wrote

4 tbsp of butter?! I don't recall it being that much.

Edit : just checked and in Canada it calls for 1 tbsp. Apparently the American version doesn't include real cheddar or butter in the mix, interesting!


4stringbrewer t1_iy2k5xf wrote

I am willing to pen pal some US mac for some Canadian mac for science


Mobile-Control t1_iy2kswf wrote

I would be willing to send you some Canadian KD without reciprocation. I like ours better. Tried the US stuff when I was in CT. THANKS BUT NO THANKS. I can probably ship it from CT after I import it through US Pre-Clearance at Pearson Intl. next month. I used to do the same with Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke, until they finally started selling it here.

Which reminds me... I need to stock up on Foxon Park Birch Beer while I'm in CT next month. That stuff is virtually impossible to get here in Canada.


4stringbrewer t1_iy2l0ng wrote

That seems like a bunch of trouble on your part. I wish I could send you the beer, but I'm in CA and I've never seen that beer.


Criticalhit_jk t1_iy2uz7o wrote

That's cuz this guys on a mission grabbing it all to bring back north with em


bluerhino4 t1_iy4uh5e wrote

It wasn't always 1 Tbps of butter. I am 100% sure that it used to be 3 Tbps of butter in Canada. The recipe definitely changed at some point.


Jarl_Xar t1_iy4wk1z wrote

I think your right it called for a 1/4 cup at some point.


bluerhino4 t1_iy4wu3i wrote

100%! 1/4 cup of milk 3 Tbps of butter. I never stopped making it this way.


Stickgirl05 t1_iy2jl14 wrote

KD is so much better! I stock up whenever I visit


dinoroo t1_iy2uynv wrote

I also only recall one tablespoon and specifically margarine, it even recommends adding milk usually. I didn’t find this out until, still as a kid, I would go over my cousins and they would add margarine and milk. My mom had never done that, I later realized it was because she was lazy.


wufnu t1_iy3m89w wrote

I would expect the Canadian version to be the best since they invented it and love it most. If Kraft tried to pass off the cheaper version on y'all there would be rioting in the streets.


SteveStSteve t1_iy3ph0x wrote

That’s the ‘classic prep’, aka, the tasty prep. They have the healthy version on the other side that uses less milk and butter


BoomBoom_99 t1_iy2mm82 wrote

Tbsp might be different in Canada vs USA, or maybe it’s metric system sabotage.. something smells fishy


Jarl_Xar t1_iy4xnxh wrote

I believe at some point they added the milk whey and dried butter/cheese to the sauce packet, at least in Canada, in America I believe they still do not use cheddar but just dried whey.


eXcelleNt- t1_iy2eelx wrote

I just use the back of my spoon and do my best Michael Myers impression.


johnbell OP t1_iy2ekex wrote

I normally tear the top off like a can of sardines, but this time the perforations gave way- I was actually speechless for a second or two.


SteveStSteve t1_iy3pafq wrote

You’re still supposed to rip the top off, the hole is just meant to be the start of that rip


[deleted] t1_iy2ijce wrote



Total-Khaos t1_iy5952f wrote

Next thing you'll tell me is that you cut individual grapes off their vines with scissors...


tzoid1s t1_iy2itin wrote

Whosoever sticketh thine finger through this, the box of blue and gold, shall hence be crowned king of the United States


Rhodog1234 t1_iy2nmls wrote

I think you have to prove you can open a store brand of a sugary cereal, the bag inside ( without a single tear) , and the top in such a way as the flap actually inserts and secures ( also without a rip or tear ) before a coronation can occur.


johnbell OP t1_iy59axb wrote

Not gonna lie, the qualifications sound pretty good compared to some candidates.


Picnut t1_iy2gg0j wrote

And the box looks very happy about it. Good job


Jauxter t1_iy2gniz wrote

The ancient prophecies have foretold of a being that would be able to open a box of mac and cheese as intended, and now that day has come. Soon you will rule the world.


truffLcuffL69 t1_iy2gqy5 wrote

Now open it anyway to get the yummy cheese out


Pickle_Lollipop t1_iy2i54o wrote

Riveting stuff here.

This is what /pics is all about.


[deleted] t1_iy31ag0 wrote

How you planning on getting that cheese packet?


Mobely t1_iy3ijy8 wrote

did it take 3 1/2 minutes to cook?


interwebz_2021 t1_iy4ybt8 wrote

37 Years! That's both a lot of dedication and a very resilient box. Bravo.


Recon1392 t1_iy6202i wrote

Go get a lottery ticket


momination t1_iy2g2rb wrote

Congrats! That's quite an accomplishment.


Dicky_Penisburg t1_iy2ga19 wrote

If it don't have teeth marks, it ain't done right.


dark_LUEshi t1_iy2h9zg wrote

it was probably an idea at some point, and the knife on the machine was very sharp and made easily openable boxes, but I guess there was a complaint about the integrity of the box, or it having holes, that over time they let the machine(s) blade go dull so the thing is barely useable. Might also be due to a different cardboard composition than the original one, but I think it's mostly a dull blade on the machine, there would probably be complaints if they put in a new blade.


CatlikeRomp t1_iy2m86v wrote

Yeah but now the flap is going to block anything from coming out.


tuga_encaracolada t1_iy2rdz1 wrote

Why did i thought this was posted on r/mademesmile ?


mdc2135 t1_iy2s9bt wrote



FlyingWeagle t1_iy31mjh wrote

No one else noticing that use by date?


johnbell OP t1_iy3rd75 wrote

Meh. How bad can powdered cheese and dried pasta go?


stevinder t1_iy4thkf wrote

The cheese can definitely go bad. About two months after the Best Before date and that cheese is no good. The pasta is still good though. Only speaking for KD.


AvalonWinter0224 t1_iy32uic wrote

Is it bad that I looked at this and thought "Why did he make a door?" Only to check my own box and realize that's actually what you're supposed to do.


bwanabass t1_iy37ymx wrote

I believe there is a lawsuit going on right now about the M&C prep process. Rofl


ovcpete t1_iy38qg3 wrote

Your next challenge: you have to get the cheese packet out of that hole


BigRich1888 t1_iy3m4g4 wrote

Now you have to get the cheese packet out of that same hole! Has never made sense to me to have that side opening when you have to rip it open regardless…


ranjexocoatal t1_iy3pzan wrote

Nice. It triggers pareidolia for me, the smiling box has a pair of eyes on top.


Dellman4 t1_iy3sosb wrote

Now what? We've never got this far.


octoberyellow t1_iy3v2qn wrote

how!?! i always have to resort to a knife!



MacDugin t1_iy3vgt8 wrote

Opening that hole, or getting all of it out of that hole?


GimmieGnomes t1_iy3ww5h wrote

I've always gotta stab it. You did good!


theRealMrBrownstone t1_iy3y42n wrote

Next challenge - put the lid on any marker without marking your finger.


Hedlundman t1_iy4j2uw wrote

Congrats. Next: make real food


johnbell OP t1_iy4j96i wrote

Oh, I didn't eat this. Uncle to two kids under 4, their request.


namehimgeorge t1_iy4s17a wrote

I thought you meant you managed to get 6 cups of water in the box.


speedyrev t1_iy5836h wrote

I thought that was the place that you try to stab the box with a knife like a psycho.


JoeyBones t1_iy6k7hy wrote

Theres no way that box is 37 years old


CrazyLlamaX t1_iy6l1fq wrote

This sub always finds a way to drill to a new low.


c7hu1hu t1_iy6l9bu wrote

I make an honest effort every time. Each time it completely destroys the box instead of tearing on the perforation.


johnbell OP t1_iy6lo6f wrote

Same. It finally paid off on what I’d guess is probably box #500 or so.


Herr-Nelson t1_iy2wctf wrote

It‘s probably spoiled by now


Hard58Core t1_iy4jlbd wrote

Totally photoshopped.

Edit: needed to add the /s I guess?


Yue2 t1_iy4u0x2 wrote

It’s expired already though.

Task Failed Successfully.