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NotBoredinBeantown t1_ixu428j wrote

You can tell by the frosted tips that this was at a 90s boy band reunion festival.


WindsorPotts t1_ixu4j2k wrote

NGL that's an interesting looking bird. Good pic


Johnny_rat t1_ixu69y3 wrote

Wow, do you know what type of bird that is?


pinkicchi OP t1_ixu6kop wrote

It’s a Starling Sturnidae, I believe. Loads of them on Fistral Beach in Cornwall.


TheOtherCrow t1_ixuoyal wrote

To be fair, that's a cool looking bird.


AgentParkman t1_ixupve3 wrote

😳 That is one beautiful bird 😍


bubba7557 t1_ixvdfii wrote

If I was tripping balls that bird would definitely be very interesting to me too. I'm not right now and find it interesting still. What type of bird is that?


pinkicchi OP t1_ixvu2a0 wrote

I believe it’s a kind of starling. Unfortunately, I wasn’t tripping balls though, I was working. Still; found it pretty interesting!


BurrDurrMurrDurr t1_ixxb1s6 wrote

This looks like a Common Starling, in the Sturbus group.

They are largely considered pests and have been designated an invasive species in some areas. Similarly to the grackle, they are often overlooked and not given credit for how cool (and beautiful?) they can appear.

As a birder though, ugh. They are a nuisance.


pinkicchi OP t1_ixya3q5 wrote

Oh really? I guess because we have the seagulls here that are the bigger nuisance we don’t consider starlings to be that bad, lol