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RSV4KruKut t1_iychg0t wrote

Fitness cheeseburger in my mouth


Solidus-Prime t1_iycv8mt wrote

Oddly enough, every single Planet Fitness in our city is next a McDonalds as well. I wonder if they specifically look for buildings next to fast food joints when they are deciding where to put down roots.


Texcellence t1_iycy26i wrote

It wouldn’t surprise me. I don’t think they’re really interested in people losing weight. The one I used to go to had free pizza once a month. It was funny to see people eating while on the treadmill.


Zbignich t1_iycia8r wrote

If the gym had I drive thru I could make it. For convenience.


Flutters1013 t1_iycjg6i wrote

Our local Ben and Jerry's shop used to have a Jenny Craig next to it. You could see the battle between good and evil on people's faces.


South5 t1_iyckahk wrote

At my gym theres a new machine and its great, well it was until i ran out of change after 9 mars bars…


Kamran421 t1_iyckq42 wrote

I love to gym and I want to spend my maximum morning time in the gym
I love Gym and Gym Lovers


FishPasteGuy OP t1_iyckwkn wrote

Believe me, I plan to spend my maximum morning time near this gym.


DfenselessOldLady t1_iyd2edi wrote

Not sure why but eating a McDouble with no cheese before I workout gives me the best pump. Maybe because of the simple sugars in the bun and all the sodium? Not the healthiest pre workout snack but it works great if you’re in a hurry


i_jump_wakes t1_iydtjfl wrote

Planet fitness has a McDonald's inside too


velasquezsamp t1_iye2biy wrote

Tomorrow... There's always tomorrow


Standard_Ad4973 t1_iye4631 wrote

Were you able to get a McRib?! I’m sure there some pre-workout benefit.


FishPasteGuy OP t1_iye5adw wrote

I actually ordered my first McRib ever a couple weeks ago. Worst thing I’ve ever put in my mouth and I’ve put some seriously questionable things in my mouth.


Standard_Ad4973 t1_iye5kli wrote

Lol! It is the McRib farewell tour after all, but an experience you can share and make people laugh. Just as I did when I read your response.


BMSmudge t1_iyclb0w wrote

Just say I almost went to the gym today you clickbait bleh
