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Clunkyboots22 t1_ixlxvzs wrote

We could have done worse and we did.


sandPounder278 t1_ixm04bo wrote

This is the one person who can guarantee Trump wins again


sexualbrontosaurus t1_ixlzuvy wrote

Only because every political opinion she has ever had has been focus grouped and she has never once been out ahead of a progressive movement for change. Like how she was against gay marriage until polling told her it was popular then she switched sides. She stood by her husband after he raped an employee because she thought at the time it would further her political career. Then her hubris caused her to underestimate her opponent in what should have been the most one sided election in modern American history and lose it, giving us four years of a president that breathed new life into a fading right.


Pure_Appeal_5154 t1_ixozf17 wrote

Yup Trump was a breath of fresh air. Hopefully Republicans will o. Finish to lose elections!


Gatormeeat t1_ixnnhno wrote

Wonder if she remembers what Monica’s pussy taste like


Daveallen10 t1_ixlyi5q wrote

That could be a picture from around when she lived in my hometown in Illinois. My grandfather taught her history in school.


beatvox t1_ixm4lfp wrote

Definitely not.


gracewindsor t1_ixq3t61 wrote

Lol she never lost a popular vote in her life not even against Obama in 2008


bgb372 t1_ixmegmh wrote

She’s not my favorite, far from it. I lean Democrat.


EdwardBliss t1_ixob5ut wrote

Those pants look like those long strips of candycane before you cut and bend them into pieces


wirednot t1_ixocby5 wrote

No mas. We need age limits and we need total time “served” (leached off public) limits. She’s one of the worst. God complex to the bone.


mrrluv t1_ixp9bkf wrote

from terrible young women come most terrible old ones....


RubyJaneXO OP t1_ixlw7uw wrote

I can easily recognize her


positive_charging t1_ixm0bp0 wrote

The pattern on her leggings draw your eyes to a certain area which looks like her cooch has been rotated 90 degrees


Connect_Choice_3042 t1_ixm274c wrote

Some day she will have to meet her maker, and confess and have penance fir all the terrible things she has done in her life! I pray for her!
