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Demetrius3D t1_iy4wy6u wrote

She deserves it after a tough day in the mines.


LegendOfBobbyTables t1_iy54mc9 wrote

The smoke soothes the black lung cough. If that doesn't work just take a swig off this bottle of heroin dissolved in alcohol. It's less addictive than morphine you know!


Omnimpotent t1_iy6i548 wrote

You don't inhale cigars just fyi


h3rpad3rp t1_iy6wreq wrote

You can, its just horrible. Not as horrible as swallowing tobacco chew spit though.


GintokiMidoriya t1_iy7099b wrote

Rly, what are cigars for than, just for show?


combover78 t1_iy8keqn wrote

Premium (not machine-made) cigars have a huge amount of nicotine in them, that's absorbed through mouth tissues. One doesn't need to inhale it to get the nicotine.

Also, cigars have a vast variety of taste profiles to enjoy from the more typical Connecticut Shade variety to Sumatran to Maduros.


Svejne t1_iy78isi wrote

The lining of your mouth absorbs the nicotine.


J0n__Snow t1_iy7i8va wrote

and to annoy others with that ugly smell


Spartan2470 t1_iy5bh1e wrote

Here is the source of this image. Per there:

> Three year-old Robert Quigley smoking a cigar, Washington DC, 30th August 1928. Quigley apparently started smoking when, as a one year-old on his father's knee, he grabbed his father's pipe and tried smoking it. The boy is also said to drink alcohol and chew tobacco. (Photo by Henry Miller News Picture Service/Archive Photos/Getty Images)


misogichan t1_iy5nia8 wrote

I knew it had to be a son. I'd never let my daughter touch a cigar until she was at least 5. And if they were a less responsible parent than me it would be a cigarette instead of a cigar.


Atomx22 t1_iy5twnm wrote

So everything about the title is false? A boy not girl in 1928 XD


mariusmariuzi OP t1_iy72oza wrote

Omg im so sorry had an unreliable source (twitter)


Juantwizzle t1_iy4wtgj wrote

This picture is awfully clear for 1914. Impressive.


Total-Khaos t1_iy59who wrote

This photo was actually taken in 1928.

>Three year-old Robert Quigley smoking a cigar, Washington DC, 30th August 1928. Quigley apparently started smoking when, as a one year-old on his father's knee, he grabbed his father's pipe and tried smoking it. The boy is also said to drink alcohol and chew tobacco. (Photo by Henry Miller News Picture Service/Archive Photos/Getty Images)


bokitobrown t1_iy5fh8g wrote

so not only is the year wrong in the title but op called him a girl too LMFAO we really need to make sources a requirement on this sub


SylvieJay t1_iy5nes7 wrote

Let's not get facts, get in the way of karma whoring..


Bad_Mood_Larry t1_iy5d7l4 wrote

Ah, Yes...A one to three year old just happened to start drinking alcohol, smoke, and chew tobacco because he reach for his father's pipe...Truly what a wacky boy he is.


Lakridspibe t1_iy6dcem wrote

It's from 1924 and it's a boy. The title is misleading.

But no, photographs from 1914 could easily be this quality or better.


jjbrewsky t1_iy5th4s wrote

Leaked pic from Balenciaga SS23


scot816 t1_iy4v9uv wrote

Julia Childs, the early years


dapala1 t1_iy5l6b2 wrote

That's a boy.


Boyd147 t1_iy600f5 wrote

Title is completely inaccurate


Geekboy22 t1_iy6ncvg wrote

90hr work weeks deserves a smoke.


Snoop_Giraffe t1_iy6yaa2 wrote

Not a young girl! It's a boy And not 1914, it's 1928


geraintwd t1_iy7knww wrote

Winston Churchill, aged 7.


theghostofgotti t1_iy5vm1s wrote

Get 'em while they're young and vulnerable. Might as well throw him in a coal mine so she can experience black lung before she's 12 as well.

Also, that is a boy. Girls didn't smoke cigars until they were 10 back then.


prfssrlnghr t1_iy8fnqt wrote

Look at this distinguished gentleman. Look at the way he is sitting, yes, very distinguished mmhmm I see I see.


thepunalwaysrises t1_iy53j60 wrote

It was this photograph that convinced George Burns to always have his hair straightened.


Mipo64 t1_iy54b3a wrote



Croceyes2 t1_iy5f0tm wrote

Looking like a young brick top


DubeFloober t1_iy5kjm5 wrote

She’s probably still alive today, FFS.


magnitudearhole t1_iy5u15h wrote

Give her a break she’s got 3 kids to look after and a shift in t’mill


EarhornJones t1_iy68i3g wrote

He's got hard times coming. Cut him some slack.


Violated-Tristen t1_iy69dsy wrote

Hey, those deep raspy voices didn’t come from sniffing flowers.


electroniclone t1_iy6bl4g wrote

This is a young photo of the lady from Goonies


naunga t1_iy6fpgu wrote

Kid definitely deserves that after a long day of wrestling crocs.


cyniclawl t1_iy6me5z wrote

I feel like she'd be voiced by Danny DiVito


swankpoppy t1_iy6my99 wrote

Shortly after this she turned into a donkey.


Towelyban t1_iy6rtej wrote

She's a dead ringer for Hollywoo actress Margot Martindale.


wertghyh t1_iy6y8jh wrote

Kid looks 5 and 50


loopingrightleft t1_iy6y9hq wrote

Take a seat, i will tell you the first time i killed a man.


donglejitter t1_iy7byrv wrote

This is Esmeralda Churchill, Winston's sister. Said to be the REAL mastermind behind her brothers dogged style. She died whilst swimming in the North Sea off the Suffolk coast in 1945. None of that is true.


Floflifou t1_iy7shnc wrote

Margaret thatcher in the making


[deleted] t1_iy7wgj2 wrote

Hey, it’s Shirley Temple! I heard on MASH that she was actually in her 40s when she started acting. He said her parents used cigars and short beds to stunt her growth. /s


CONFIRMED_IT t1_iy8b15k wrote

I can't believe this little girl grew up to become Winston Churchill!


Dartrpg t1_iy5oqlq wrote

Maggie Gyllenhaal, is that you?


ZacharyBot2020 t1_iy4zhje wrote

Started smoking at 5 looks 12 or 21 right now I give it 10 more years or before shes 40 which is 25 in smoker years.


badpenguin455 t1_iy5d8ku wrote

In 10 more years I'm pretty sure she will be 123 years old give or take.


Zer0Day69 t1_iy593te wrote

Look at her eyes. You can tell the smoking brings her relief from whatever deep inner pain she carries.

cause like what smoking child doesn't carry pain.


Investigatorpotater t1_iy5d262 wrote

Nothing to see here guys, completely normal move along.


PatientHeart8115 t1_iy4vut5 wrote

While her lungs are dying


iveseenthelight t1_iy4yctf wrote

Sorry to be a pedant but you don't inhale cigar smoke, it'll make you sick. However, it's horrible for mouth and oral health for sure.


gofatwya t1_iy4x3nv wrote

Smoking is horrible for people.

I bet she ended up dying.


shimi_shima t1_iy4zw8k wrote

This was in 1914…unless she’s in the running for oldest person alive, she dead.