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Jakesummers1 t1_ixogbml wrote

Wow, she looks good for 90. I would expect 60s or 70s

She must have a happy life


purplestella31265 t1_ixonjg0 wrote

I came here to say this exact thing. Amazing genetics for a 90 yo woman!


ChiggaOG t1_ixom64q wrote

I probably bet she does strength training. Joint health is connected to muscle health as people get older.


phillywood t1_ixown0b wrote

She's a strength and fitness coach at Equinox


r0botdevil t1_ixou8zk wrote

Yeah I work in a medical clinic and I see patients who look way worse than that at 60.


ponkyball t1_ixpc5fe wrote

Lol the way you put it tho "way worse" yikes


NoTheOtherSean t1_ixsgxzd wrote

60 can look like 40 or 80. Some of it's genetics, but a lot of it is care and health.


OptionalFTW t1_ixpt8tz wrote

Seriously what the fuck?

75-80 max. I don't believe it.

She's hitting 100 for sure.