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mainlyupsetbyhumans t1_iyed0nm wrote

Library is not alphabetized and so Skeleton doesn't seem very pretentious at all. Just seems like it knows the best way to spend it's time.


mtomsky OP t1_iyee20z wrote

You're not wrong and I am probably judgemental of people who read Proust.


DirectlyDisturbed t1_iyeill1 wrote

Why's that? Genuinely curious, not a trap or anything. I've never read Proust


mtomsky OP t1_iyelq5p wrote

In all honesty I'm not but it's one of those books that people wheel out to impress people. Famous one for people starting it and not finishing, very long and philosophical.


[deleted] t1_iyefnyn wrote

Found the pretentious Redditor
( Jk )


mainlyupsetbyhumans t1_iyegcmv wrote

If was pretentious I would know the difference between 'it's' and 'its'. Wait a second...

(I may actually be the pretentious redditor, but I'm too high on drugs to know for sure, either way my opinion is probably garbage and to be disregarded.)

Edit to laugh at my own horrible grammar.


[deleted] t1_iyeoz7q wrote

> If was pretentious I would know the difference between 'it's' and 'its'. Wait a second...

Wait, but that would mean I'm pretentious!
...Oh no.


mainlyupsetbyhumans t1_iyepdc2 wrote

All of our illusions of intelligence are beginning to falter. The old crone warned me of this!


[deleted] t1_iyeqrwl wrote

" It is too late, brother... "
" But if we're to fall... may we at least fall... together. "

* Hugs *