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Modern-Moo OP t1_j1zveu5 wrote

So it’s good that that topic isn’t relevant here! Please complain to whatever bull she is with about any issues with reproduction! Bulls aren’t the best listeners though. Perhaps you could bribe him with a bucket of ration.. or another bulling heifer.. as long as she can healthily raise and wants to raise them, she’s going to raise her calves! Sometimes s##t happens where they cannot or will not, but that isn’t too common with anguses compared to the likes of a friesian. Can’t say if she will be used for food eventually, either way it’d be after a long/easy life if so! Not sure what you mean by head in the clouds, but if caring for my mental health is that.. happily! :3


gordita_brunch t1_j1zwpjj wrote

Oh. So you’re one of those happy humane farms that I keep hearing about. You say exploitation is not relevant here but that’s exactly what you are doing: breeding something into existence for your own profit. But your head is so far in the clouds thinking you’re a good person that you can’t see it. Fuck off and stop taking what isn’t yours.


Modern-Moo OP t1_j1zxvru wrote

I am actually a human, not a business! I do think you are overestimating mainly my age but also how much I own. I haven’t made a profit from cattle in my life, seriously! Not a single brown cent. I do say that it’s irrelevant, because it is! They’re happy, they’re healthy, you’re the only one of the lot with an issue !! You need to brighten up a bit - go outside for a walk, maybe? Listen to a good song.. draw something.. that sort of stuff is usually good for the head, I find. I hope you enjoy a wonderful, lovely day! 💞😊


gordita_brunch t1_j1zz5g3 wrote

I don’t care how old you are. You are raising cows for milk and food. That’s exploitation.


Modern-Moo OP t1_j200ged wrote

That’s fine! I was moreso saying that as you’re under the impression that I make money. And under the impression that I raise them. Milk??! Lol, unfortunately not! Raising angus (and herefords… especially herefords) for milk would be like a beef farmer breeding miniature jerseys for beef! Sure, it’s technically possible, but it wouldn’t pay you to turn the milking parlour on. Fortunately, they aren’t exploited! Honestly, I don’t think I’ll respond to you from here on - you’re too negative! I’ve also got a Pokemon game to play. I hope you brighten up soon! Great days to you, I hope! x 😁