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gordita_brunch t1_j1zwpjj wrote

Oh. So you’re one of those happy humane farms that I keep hearing about. You say exploitation is not relevant here but that’s exactly what you are doing: breeding something into existence for your own profit. But your head is so far in the clouds thinking you’re a good person that you can’t see it. Fuck off and stop taking what isn’t yours.


Modern-Moo OP t1_j1zxvru wrote

I am actually a human, not a business! I do think you are overestimating mainly my age but also how much I own. I haven’t made a profit from cattle in my life, seriously! Not a single brown cent. I do say that it’s irrelevant, because it is! They’re happy, they’re healthy, you’re the only one of the lot with an issue !! You need to brighten up a bit - go outside for a walk, maybe? Listen to a good song.. draw something.. that sort of stuff is usually good for the head, I find. I hope you enjoy a wonderful, lovely day! 💞😊


gordita_brunch t1_j1zz5g3 wrote

I don’t care how old you are. You are raising cows for milk and food. That’s exploitation.


Modern-Moo OP t1_j200ged wrote

That’s fine! I was moreso saying that as you’re under the impression that I make money. And under the impression that I raise them. Milk??! Lol, unfortunately not! Raising angus (and herefords… especially herefords) for milk would be like a beef farmer breeding miniature jerseys for beef! Sure, it’s technically possible, but it wouldn’t pay you to turn the milking parlour on. Fortunately, they aren’t exploited! Honestly, I don’t think I’ll respond to you from here on - you’re too negative! I’ve also got a Pokemon game to play. I hope you brighten up soon! Great days to you, I hope! x 😁