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Savageparrot81 t1_j29z4f8 wrote

The nutcrackercracker


ByronIrony t1_j2bwwd1 wrote

How many nutcrackers would a nutcracker cracker crack if a nutcracker cracker could crack nutcrackers.


givemeyourgp t1_j2b8hts wrote

Made from the Uber rare metal that only forms at a asteroid impact site located on the czurxbanglun peninsula in China, melted down at a temperature of 7537854 kelvin, it becomes a NEW element named Chineseum stable enough to forge into nutcrackers.


ksandom t1_j2a6ewa wrote

It's the nut in the position it was when it broke?

It so; then that will be a contributing factor for why it broke. Ie when the nut is in one of the designated places closer to the pivot the force applied to the nut compared to the force the you apply is much higher. But when you move it out like that, you have to apply a lot more force to apply as much force on the nut as the designated places, which gives you a much higher chance of breaking the nut cracker.


tchuruck OP t1_j2afqty wrote

Thank you for taking the time to explain that ! I did however crack the nut correctly. I think the nutcracker had just run its course. I placed the nut incorrectly for the picture because I didn't pay sufficient attention.


ksandom t1_j2ainve wrote

That makes sense. It was probably also easier to photograph that way.


vegancookie t1_j2d2zox wrote

Well if you weren’t paying attention for the photo were you paying attention when you cracked the nut? Did you have a nut cracking specialised observing you? OP we have many questions, and I seriously doubt your competency.

/s I came here to see if anyone else noticed the incorrect positioning too :p


tchuruck OP t1_j2d33uy wrote

I'm a pretty decent cracker of nuts, only I was let down by my tool ! I swear on my nutcracking honor, I was using it properly.


exdigguser147 t1_j2at1u4 wrote

If the nut was between the points like in the picture there is zero chance the nutcracker would break in the spot that it did. (From a beam bending standpoint)


ksandom t1_j2c85o6 wrote

Good point. I agree that it is less likely.


[deleted] t1_j2a8nkk wrote



NoMight178 t1_j2abp3m wrote

Erm what... Are you telling me that if I put 50kN of force on this nut "suddenly" it doubles the load to 100kN of force??! Not sure where you went to school but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If we are talking about the speed applied and there being a distance involved that's a different matter but it wouldn't miraculously double the load applied.


CanuckAussieKev t1_j2ahcvl wrote

I guess he's just trying to generalize how a change in acceleration will affect the force?


smurficus103 t1_j2bfi9p wrote

There are certainly derivatives of acceleration. Jerk is change in acceleration over time. It didn't seem particularly useful for stress calculations, though. I read pretty deep into impulse without much insight into what loading i should use to calc shit. Did some vibrational fea mostly for fatigue life.

This sounds like a fatigue and probably some shitty quality metal


AugustHenceforth t1_j29zojc wrote

That must be one of those deeznuts people keep offering me.


Not____Dad t1_j2a264f wrote

What are deez nuts?


GiantsOfSF1958 t1_j2a2a1u wrote



IceNein t1_j2b5ai4 wrote

How many cents a unit do they save using that crappy metal, I wonder? Is it really worth the mental association that everyone has that if it comes from China, it must be junk?


Schnoofles t1_j2bovkn wrote

This is more of a process issue than materials issue. It's made with a sintered powder process, which always results in a relatively brittle end product. Sometimes that's totally fine because you don't need the full strength of a cast or forged part, but obviously that wasn't the case here.

As for the China association that'd be from the cost correlation. You can find sintered parts made all over the world, but seeing as the cost of labor is also low then anytime someone wants the lowest possible total cost they're likely to get a sintered version that's also made in China.


Thing_in_a_box t1_j2bpa42 wrote

If it's aluminum, which it looks to be, this isn't too surprising if OP cracks a serious amount of nuts


newaccount721 t1_j2bxjzn wrote

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it sounds like these cheap products made this way aren't inherently dangerous - e.. g. containing toxic metals - but just the process used is the cheapest/fastest but not the best. Is that correct?


Schnoofles t1_j2byi29 wrote

All other things being equal, yes. It's just a (much) cheaper process for when you don't require the highest possible strength in the finished material.


newaccount721 t1_j2c3ors wrote

Thanks, whenever I get those things and they break easily I am concerned they're not the metal they're claiming to be - but if it's process based it's not great but at least it's not something inherently dangerous


Schnoofles t1_j2c90ct wrote

Yeah, it's just a simple way to make a part. Instead of fully melting and pouring to a mold you instead dump a powdered form of the metal into it and then use heat and pressure to not fully melt it, but heat it up to where the combined heat and pressure causes the particles to begin fusing. Relatively speaking it's quick, easy, takes less energy and so on. It is quite brittle, however, and not as strong in general since you don't get nice, long grains in the metal.


t3chg3n13 t1_j2c4rxb wrote

For some reason I thought ave said centered powder all this time


BaronMostaza t1_j2c3f28 wrote

Everything's made in China, high and low quality, and if you want to avoid things made there you pay three times as much


AAA515 t1_j2dmiqf wrote

China could make good quality shit too, but we all (myself too) keep buying cheap shit so that's what they make! Supply the demand!


chemcounter t1_j2ajp84 wrote

That looks like a lobster cracker instead of a nut cracker.


NexexUmbraRs t1_j2a79bo wrote

If you tried to break the nut in the place pictured, it's no wonder it broke.

Torque is calculated by τ=FΔxsinθ, having less torque on the nut and more torque straining the metal results in the above.


tchuruck OP t1_j2afwsd wrote

Interesting ! Thank you for that explanation. I did break the nut in the correct place. I mistakenly placed it incorrectly for the picture.


NexexUmbraRs t1_j2ahynf wrote

Then did you try breaking it against the seem, or did you push both together?


tchuruck OP t1_j2aj503 wrote

I'm not sure I understand the question haha ! I placed the nut where I was supposed to.


NexexUmbraRs t1_j2ak1lt wrote

I'm asking about the orientation of the nut. Whether the line was touching the 2 sides, or if it was parallel to the 2 handles. If it was parallel then it's understandable that it broke because you didn't target it's weak point.


ScoobyDerp t1_j2a30g2 wrote

That must be a tough not to crack, so to speak.


A40 t1_j2a1kv5 wrote

The nutcrackeder


8urnMeTwice t1_j2b72po wrote

In Russia, nut cracks you


JaiC t1_j2a38fl wrote

I ain't even mad. That's amazing.


Emmons1986 t1_j2acqcq wrote

I am the one who cracks


wallyslambanger t1_j2ajt2w wrote

“Sometimes we break through the barriers that those before us weakened”

-This Nut


VermineKY t1_j2askig wrote

No nut december man.


xxamien t1_j2b1fgm wrote

well isn't that a tough nut to crack


MilkMenace t1_j2b4w8d wrote

You’ve blasted your last nut


SonofBeckett t1_j2b6lqo wrote

I hope you brought a hammer out and finished the job, otherwise the other nuts are going to start getting ideas.


tchuruck OP t1_j2c208k wrote

Haha well the nutcracker did its duty before it died. The nut was consumed.


BobT21 t1_j2b9n04 wrote

No Nut November?


GibDreyer t1_j2bdoke wrote

The cracker becomes the cracked


halothar t1_j2bgnp2 wrote

The nut has become the cracker.


cbass481 t1_j2bt7ri wrote

Bane voice “do you feel in charge?”


PJJefferson t1_j2ddjbl wrote

How were you supposed to know he was Iron Balls McGinty?


NomenNescio13 t1_j2a502b wrote

What the hell? A walnut? When we were kids we found out we could pretty easily crack one by holding two and squeezing.

How the hell did that kind of nut do that to a metal utensil?


ColonelKasteen t1_j2abwmk wrote

That isn't how wear on a tool works. A single nut didn't crack it, it broke on this nut after many years of metal fatigue cracking nuts. A cheap metal nutcracker doesn't have incredible quality control on the steel used and doesn't heal between uses.


yodarded t1_j2b525l wrote

>A cheap metal nutcracker doesn't have incredible quality control on the steel used and doesn't heal between uses.

wait, do quality nutcrackers heal between uses?


ColonelKasteen t1_j2b6139 wrote

Only the REALLY good ones. Like, a William Sonoma nutcracker.


newaccount721 t1_j2bxpcy wrote

Wait you could crack walnuts by hand? Damn I must be weak.


NomenNescio13 t1_j2dbg7i wrote

Honestly, when we discovered this we would crack nuts just for the huge-heaping-muscles rush, and we didn't even eat half of 'em. But we were kids, so I'm reasonably confident it takes very little.


tchuruck OP t1_j2c2lv9 wrote

That's true, that works surprisingly well.


madsci t1_j2cbsps wrote

You must have never experienced black walnuts. For those you'd preferably use a big bench-mounted cracker with compound leverage.


thr33prim3s t1_j2a5ezz wrote

Worthy of the phrase "a tough nut to crack".


isecore t1_j2a6ta2 wrote

NoNut Cracker.


Rudecles t1_j2a9qvk wrote

That’s a nutcrackercracker nut


Moseo13 t1_j2aavqj wrote

The Spurs way : pounding the nuts


erotyk t1_j2afojy wrote

of course it did that's cold cast


-Lord-Humongous- t1_j2aqcrc wrote

Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t


Another_go_around t1_j2awb37 wrote

Gotta get a genuine HMQ. They last a lifetime. For real.


rndname t1_j2bt5ms wrote


A home made quacker?


Another_go_around t1_j2cf89c wrote

Henry Marcus Quackenbush - the inventor of a couple of cool things including the spring loaded nutcracker. The brand HMQ still produces nutcrackers and they last a life time. Just look for the HMQ logo.


Max_P0 t1_j2aylpm wrote

Victory for the bad guy !!!


lochlainn t1_j2aze5i wrote

Ha, fuck you!

-That nut, probably


IceNein t1_j2b51rn wrote

Looks like Chinesium. They save five cents a unit and get to sell you a new one every couple of years.

It can be hard to tell just by looking what’s made from quality metal.


anged16 t1_j2b68q6 wrote

Chad Nut


spacenadir t1_j2b6sgy wrote

As the legend foretold


strawberrycamo t1_j2b9g9d wrote

Damn first nutcracker, who’s next.. Shredder?


SJBreed t1_j2ba5ra wrote

Wow. Huge upset


random_buddah t1_j2bi2ho wrote

German nut or chinese cracker. Or both.


tchuruck OP t1_j2c2run wrote

It's a French nut (from le Lot). Chinese cracker is probably correct.


drklunk t1_j2bkkxh wrote

But who is the victor? OP or nut?


tchuruck OP t1_j2c2w8u wrote

I did end up eating the nut so it's an integral part of my being now. I guess that makes it the victor.


AberrantMan t1_j2bmrmu wrote

Was this, perchance, taken in November?


CaliRiverRat t1_j2bxmpa wrote

This just made me laugh. Thanks for posting!


Ritty5 t1_j2bzd0k wrote

Going to need a wrench to break that nut.


mandru t1_j2bzj7d wrote

If this happens, you are crackin your nuts wrong.


sunny0_0 t1_j2c2vdm wrote

Stop breaking things for upvotes. It's sad.


Uriel-238 t1_j2c9prr wrote

This is an album cover.


Holdem88 t1_j2c9tgf wrote

Petrified nuts. .. real manly.


Frommar t1_j2cahiv wrote

How would you repair something like this? I have an antique one that's been handed down...which I managed to break in a similar manner


cornholioo t1_j2cllt0 wrote

I bought a 'cast iron' bottle opener in new orleans, it broke within a month of opening normal beer bottles.


pickles55 t1_j2d7s1f wrote

Cast iron is really brittle, that's why cast iron frying pans weigh ten pounds. They have to be thick to be strong


Dennisd1971 t1_j2cnqtx wrote

That’s a tough nut to crack


EvenBar3094 t1_j2coay8 wrote

Metaphorical for my endurance not to crack during no nut November


blkmexbbc t1_j2cq6ff wrote

Couldn't bust that nut. Must be frustrated.


usugarbage t1_j2csxmk wrote

Some days you’re the nut. Some days you’re the cracker. Today it was both.


FroInc1980 t1_j2cwpgu wrote

Ahhh man, deez nuts, sheesh…


Burstar1 t1_j2db61z wrote

The shell of the previous nut: "Loosened it for you".


TQilla t1_j2dj02p wrote



WillLie4karma t1_j2dr9fp wrote

That's not a nutcracker. It's made for lobsters/crabs.


5x99 t1_j2ds1wr wrote

That nut has a dream


mibjt t1_j2duvo3 wrote

The nutcracker made with chinesium


HythlodaeusHuxley t1_j2fhcq7 wrote

Reminds me of the Looney Tunes with the squirrel trying to crack the coconut


SaberWolf13 t1_j2a56mj wrote

Sounds like a porn title.


mikkolukas t1_j2c5s9g wrote

Chrome Vanadium at it again