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sinspirational t1_j2bn7j7 wrote

Not sure about Chinese, but looking at it as Japanese compound kanji 嬉 it has two radicals. The first is 女 (woman) and the second is 喜 (take pleasure in).


hjbuell t1_j2cgsnf wrote

Thank your for taking the time to answer me and to provide context (even though it’s not my question). It’s very much appreciated.


sinspirational t1_j2cjfob wrote

No worries, not sure why you’re being downvoted - learning languages is hard!


hjbuell t1_j2clkdv wrote

Yes. Learning new languages can be overwhelming at times. This post caught my eye because I’ve been trying to choose between China/Japan/Korea for the next book I write. For downvotes, that’s just Reddit. 🤷🏼😂