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BrianUnfiltered98 t1_j69rx0h wrote

Or you should just mellow out a bit.


MelonTosser OP t1_j69s653 wrote

Did my response seem enraged?


BrianUnfiltered98 t1_j69t0hk wrote

You took a pic of them without their permission & posted it on Reddit, so you clearly feel it's a big deal.


MelonTosser OP t1_j69t8kh wrote

It was a wedding, so many pictures were being taken. I just found it odd. Clearly people feel strongly about it


ThaumKitten t1_j69t79l wrote

Not enraged, but unnecessarily disturbed, tbh.

"An entirely different church, which I have literally no experience or exposure to, should change their expressions that they've literally done for a long time because I'm the one who suddenly, with no prompting or reason whatsoever, decided it looked like Nazism's heil gesture."


MelonTosser OP t1_j69tgup wrote

Swatstika had a different meaning before Nazi but you don’t see it being used in that manor before. I’m sorry to have offended you so deeply by me being exposed to this for the first time.