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mtsai t1_j6iheq6 wrote

fireworks company you say. Do you got whistlin' bungholes, spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or single whistlin' kitty chasers?


FredFltStn OP t1_j6ihp04 wrote

Of course I do, we're not amateurs here LOL.


Iliamna_remota t1_j6i1m81 wrote

Nice! How about "Feeding Tube Fireworks". I do love me some fireworks, but it never hurts to be reminded of their danger.


FredFltStn OP t1_j6i28g2 wrote

My sense of humor is a little off LOL. I'm posting a story in /TalesfromRetail shortly about a lady who lost her sh*t because of this logo.

Have a great day!


TooDirty4Daylight t1_j6i2mk2 wrote

Seems like they might rethink that if someone who filed a suit used it as evidence they knew it could blow fangers off, LOL


A_PiRat_Named_Cookie t1_j6ihu51 wrote

They could also use all the "Do Not Hold In Hand While Lighting" warning stickers as evidence, but all they'd be proving is that they're stupid.


TooDirty4Daylight t1_j6ineq7 wrote

"Don't hold" is a warning to use proper safety so you don't blow your fingers off while the cup is telling you that it's inherently unsafe and you'll probably lose fingers no matter what, LOL

It's a humorous way of giving a similar message but it's not quite the same although they're hoping it'll have the same results.


Stormr1der t1_j6mzoid wrote

I'd happily walk around using one of these mugs, maybe you should launch a thermal type for more permanent usage by patrons


FredFltStn OP t1_j6ngh5y wrote

We had stickers and shirts done as well, but only have the mugs left. Looked at the thermal but they were just too expensive since we give them away to everyone.


wb6vpm t1_j6i2fjo wrote

God dammit! Made me snort my coffee!!! Props to that marketing team!


FamiliarCatfish t1_j6ibqlq wrote

They definitely have a wicked sense of humor. Love it.


GirlB0ss t1_j6iiucb wrote

It is pretty funny, but also kind of sad because a lot of little kids and underserved individuals end up making fireworks and do lose fingers.


FredFltStn OP t1_j6iypga wrote

We 100% do not support making your own fireworks and recommend that you be 18 years of age to set off fireworks.

That being said, there are not as many injuries from fireworks as you would think. According to the CPCS, there were just over 11k injuries caused by fireworks reported in the US in 2021. By comparison, there were over 30k injuries caused by toilets during the same period. It's all perspective.


GirlB0ss t1_j6jvkgj wrote

I don’t mean injuries as the end user in the United States. I mean the children overseas who manufacture fireworks and lose fingers and limbs trying to make pennies for their work.

I’m sure you know that though, as it’s the product you sell. If not, Google it. Not all fireworks are made by children obviously, but it’s a huge global problem.

The Real Cost of Fireworks

“Death Factories”


itsafuntime t1_j6j6keq wrote

It is indeed all perspective. 30k injuries from something that millions of people use multiple times idea is pretty low compared to 11k injuries from something a small percentage of the population uses maybe twice a year.


capn_kwick t1_j6kxyb2 wrote

My brothers and I played with firecrackers starting when we about eight years old. We had a gravel pile around the yard so we would be put two or more tied together with the fuse push it into a hole in the gravel, light the fuse and stand back about 10 feet.

Occasionally we would have a lit one dropped on the ground. Heavy duty work boots and just stand on it.

Roman candles and sky rockets would be launched from a piece of angle iron pounded into the ground at a slight lean from straight up. For those, light the fuse and step back about 30 to 40 feet.


candiriaroot t1_j6mormy wrote

The Bloody-nine! Well, eight.


msmoirai t1_j6ocw6u wrote

Love this! I remember you did special t-shirts for people who bought Christmas gifts for kids off of one of the /r - any chance we could talk you into doing some of these cups this year in exchange for Christmas gifts?


FredFltStn OP t1_j6oe7ed wrote

I'm always up for doing stuff like that. I'll need to see what the shipping cost is for these things, but always open to ideas.