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TANTRUM27X t1_j6cam78 wrote

I'm seeing all these people say eat em. Nah man, be the person you wish others would be. Even if they don't appreciate it as much as you wish they would. Appreciate yourself for being better than most.


Loved_777 t1_j6cbiaj wrote

I most definitely would want someone to bring my food if it came to their address.


DemoniEnkeli t1_j6ccglu wrote

The golden rule served for the odd religion requirement for Eagle Scout, at least at my board of review. It’s a simple ethical code, but it’s served me well so far in life.


Fenneca t1_j6cajnc wrote

Brother really just posted someones full ass address on reddit


Olcrawdad t1_j6cai8n wrote

Their phone number is in the receipt, give them a call and negotiate half of the box upon delivery. Problem solved.


Onslaught999 t1_j6c9l43 wrote

I mean, it's on them for sending it to the wrong address.. so have at it. Edit: the original recipient it was intended for may throw it away thinking you tampered with it.


TANTRUM27X t1_j6cawan wrote

And? People make mistakes. Hope someone treats you better next time you arent running at 100%. If they throw em out that's their problem not yours. Pessimistic view for sure. It could happen true. Or they could be a happy somebody was decent and gave them what they spend money on.


Onslaught999 t1_j6cb24y wrote

Chill out. I was just giving my input. You're getting worked up over someone else's mistake. Username checks out.


TANTRUM27X t1_j6cbcwc wrote

Haha! I forget my name sometimes. Nah though, wasn't mad. Sorry if seemed that way. Just calling things as I understand them and was trying to express why I disagreed with your input. Again, if you felt hostility, my bad. Not intended.


CaptainClay5 t1_j6cbcti wrote

I messaged this post to the number on the box


CaptainClay5 t1_j6cc1ya wrote

They responded and op stole them and posted about it. Asshole


breaktime1 t1_j6c9khf wrote

This will get deleted because it has your neighbors address on there

But eat them. I'd go for the oatmeal chocolate first.


Loved_777 t1_j6c9p5b wrote

you may not even remember that you ate them because they’re sleep cookies 🤷🏽‍♀️


Spiritual_Fee7356 t1_j6cc5wn wrote

girl just because their called insomnia cookies doesn’t mean they put you to sleep. It’s just a cookie shop that stays open late especially one I always order from.


Loved_777 t1_j6ccakk wrote

Yeah I’ve had cookies from there too . I just said it for the funsies😁


Spiritual_Fee7356 t1_j6cbw5k wrote

… you definitely have my cookies


Spiritual_Fee7356 t1_j6cc2a2 wrote

I’d also appreciate if you took my information down. Like I definitely know who you are so I’m calling the fucking cops.