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More-Adhesiveness-54 t1_j9ru5dy wrote

Questionable Pittsburgh relevance aside, what's the difference between "ou" vs. "ow," and are you hearing lots of people saying both of these (particular ou)?


tesla3by3 t1_j9rv5j3 wrote

Oh and ow are pronounced the same. “ I’m going out of town” is “Ahl be going aht of tahn”


kevvypoop313 OP t1_j9rujhv wrote

I teach phonemic awareness and both sounds early in education are introduced. So ou, ow, ouch, not sure if it was a Pittsburgh thing or everyone thing or what!


B0bb3r7 t1_j9s37z7 wrote

This is an interesting question. You may get better information from a linguist, though. Perhaps r/linguistics can help?