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Willow-girl t1_ja7lulo wrote

I feel so sorry for office workers who can get all of their work done in 4 or 5 hours, then have to kill time for the rest of their 8-hour shift, while meanwhile I can barely get my building cleaned in 8.


enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja7p3xl wrote

That's not really how it works, at least in the office jobs I've had. There's always more work to be done, so we just end up doing more work the more productive we get.

And there's no need to sow division like you're doing. Office workers aren't your enemy.


Willow-girl t1_ja8dfhf wrote

I was an office worker once, too, mostly in the days before the Internet when all we could do to eff off was play Hearts on our computers, lol.