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apitbullnamedzeus t1_j9ptcp5 wrote

Really? I’ve known several fast food employees who are convicted felons. DUIs are nothing as far as judges, prosecutors, and legislators are concerned. I’m surprised Arby’s would care much.

Your comments also points to the importance of labor unions.


GargantuanWitch t1_j9pw1wu wrote

I never said that a conviction would/should prevent you from getting one, I'm saying that being drunk and asleep ON the job means you'd lose that job.

I also never said anything about labor unions being bad, unless you're talking about the police, at which point I'd say that the police union exists solely to protect bad police officers and immunize them against repercussions for their bad behavior.


Ok-Twist921 t1_j9q9z63 wrote

The police union is like the mafia commission as far as I’m concerned


MoDeRnDaYmOrOn t1_j9qiho1 wrote

Unless I'm missing something, he wasn't on the job. He was in a personal vehicle when he was picked up.

Doesn't change the fact that he's a dipshit who was driving drunk, but it does make a difference.