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VietBongArmy t1_j9b5mpj wrote

I bought a used 2017 Charger from Krebs in Gibsonia in 2021. They were fine, salesman really didn't have to do much because I was pretty interested in the car so it was a just a matter of me test driving it really. Salesman let me test drive by myself, so that was great.

Cochran in Monroeville I dunno, I drove a used CTS before the Charger, the salesman was an old guy who generally seem bothered I showed up on a Friday to test drive the car. He had to come with me on the test drive, so pretty quickly after leaving the dealership, it was easy to feel a vibration in the car. I asked him if he felt it, he said yes but you could tell he didn't like what I asked after that. I asked him if the dealership would fix the vibration and was generally evasive in his answers "I don't know" "I'll have to get back to you"...the old curmudgeon never even bothered contacting me back to give me an answer. So I assume some sucker bought that car.


AlreadyMoved2Houston t1_j9bcw1p wrote

Bought one from Lot 1 Cochran dealership in Robinson and regret that day. Swear to hid they just put a sticker on there and called it a day. Things started going wrong almost immediately and they completely screwed up the title transfer. 0/10