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grachi t1_j6y78pe wrote

mmmmmm not just 2am danger, sadly... Even back around 2009 I almost got mugged by two dudes down one of the side streets when I was walking alone back to my car around 8:30 after a friends birthday dinner. Luckily some random people on their porch saw what was happening, I guess the muggers didn't see them as the porch sitters were sitting completely in the dark smoking cigarettes, and one of the porch sitters shouted out to them that they had a gun. The guys ran, and it might have saved me from losing my wallet or even worse, getting stabbed or shot that night.

Similar story without a lucky intervention, a few years later my cousin was jumped by 3 guys after him and his girlfriend were leaving a restaurant around 10:00 pm. He woke up in the hospital, no recollection what happened, and the guys stole his wallet and phone. His girlfriend was screaming at the top of her lungs for help and tried to mace one of them, so they ran after knocking my cousin out and taking his stuff. Luckily they didn't do anything to her as well.


uglybushes t1_j6yfguz wrote

That’s it, south side is closed.


grachi t1_j6yut23 wrote

Yea I mean , i spent many nights there for years and never saw or heard stuff happening so I know it’s statistically rare but it’s also not unheard of for bad things to happen there before midnight