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TSOD t1_j9u7je1 wrote

Reply to comment by HarpPgh in The fall of Pittsburgh Bodegas by HarpPgh

Basing the whole point on a rumor that has never been verified by anyone, even as Wegmans expands into places like NYC and NJ that are even more territorial and corrupt with zoning and permits.

They're in like 9 states now. They've taken hold in territory all across the country that used to belong to even bigger chains than Giant Eagle. Sometimes it's not a conspiracy.


HarpPgh OP t1_j9ur2vc wrote

You’re obviously missing the point of the post and was stated that this isn’t about the handshake deals Giant eagle may or may not be doing to have a monopolistic hold over Pittsburgh but an understanding of why we’re missing the convenience of smaller locations for produce, milk, eggs, in Pittsburgh in our neighborhoods.