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uglybushes t1_j9aaeol wrote

It will snow in april


tempestveil t1_j9abw9a wrote

right lol it snowed about an inch here in May 2017. that being said some tomatoes, mild and green peppers for sure being grown this year.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_j9a842s wrote

I love growing superhot peppers.

This year I have 3 types of Ghost pepper, Carolina Reapers, Fatalis, and Naga Scorpions started. I think I'll also do some peppers for roasting/stuffing like Anaheims or giant cherries, not completely sure yet.


Slopey1884 t1_j9a8chw wrote

I think I’d like to try growing cherry peppers. Where do you get your seeds?


FuzzPunkMutt t1_j9a9put wrote

I usually buy from Pepper Joes. That's where the Carolina Reaper was developed, and I have had very little issue with their seeds.

However, they do change stock fairly frequently, so if you have something really specific in mind, you might be out of luck. There's usually something really close, though, like I saw that he's selling Manzana peppers right now which are basically citrusy cherries.


MalevolentPillows t1_j9dho9e wrote

My dad loves growing hot peppers for my brother and I - catch is he sucks at it😂 any advice on timing to plant/any additional general advice?


FuzzPunkMutt t1_j9dj2gi wrote

Hot peppers like 2 things: room and sunlight. So I tend to start the seeds in March, move outside (slowly) when things start really warming up (We are zone 6, so that's May) and plant them wherever they will get the most sun.


SteelyFlan_DotCom t1_j9a9ksj wrote

Gave up on growing food years ago. Can't compete with city deer. Now we just grow flowers. Primarily Bee Balm and Marvel of Peru.


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9acpft wrote

You need a fence.

I'll bet I have the worst deer problem in all of Allegheny County.

Here's what I've found through trial-and-error:

A six-foot fence that deer can't see what's on the other side will work (e.g., wood picket fence).

If it's transparent, like a cyclone or mesh, needs to be eight-feet. I have a 7.5-foot fence around my orchard and deer jump over that like it's nothing.


DarthPapercut t1_j9b35sz wrote

Hahaha. Impressive. We need you to build our border wall. Joking joking


Slopey1884 t1_j9a5yem wrote

I want to try growing loofa squashes, so I can make my own loofas. Is that weird? We enjoyed having our own heirloom cherry tomatoes and shishito peppers so we will probably do that again. Last year I also did cucuzza squash and butternut squash. Having both kind of took over my growing space. Will not repeat this year.


simple_syrup t1_j9amtk6 wrote

I grew loofa two or 3 years ago (the Guerilla garden nearby grew them last year and unfortunately did no research). Our season is just about too short for the necessary process (then drying out on the stalk), though I was able to pull it off and netted about 10 good loofah. I’m a soso gardener and like experimenting but my loofah project was able to succeed due to my experience with cucumbers and existing equipment for other garden projects. I don’t think I would’ve been able to pull it off semi successfully without doing extensive research - and I did most of mine on the internet .

My novice tips from experience:

(1) Start germination early inside - heating pads and automatic lighting helps. I think I started them some number of weeks before the frost. (Aka: start yesterday, lol)

(2) You’ll (probably) need only one plant. If your plant is happy it will be a prolific producer and you won’t need two plants. You can eat the young ones, and prepare to do so, as not all of them will make it to size for their fibers.

(3) If you do end up with multiple plants (hell, it was a struggle with the one plant I had) make sure you have adequate support for them! My neighbor who tried growing them last year is a seasoned urban gardener but the trellis he had was not strong enough to support his two plants.

(4) The season is too short here - so I had to quickly utilize the garlic curing/drying racks, our sunroom, and two fans to dry out the 20 or so that were big and seemingly fiberous enough too make it through to the end.

*Excuse any weird formatting & typos as this was typed up on my phone.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_j9a7y5w wrote

Growing loofas seems pretty cool, actually. I'd like to try it as well.


Slopey1884 t1_j9a87yx wrote

I figure it can’t be much harder than cucuzza, which was easy to grow but underwhelming to eat.


ackitty-ack t1_j9alf46 wrote

I tried loofahs last year! I had really nice plants going but we didn’t get to harvest since we planted a little too late. definitely start loofah sooner than later


Badboysrisri t1_j9con02 wrote

If we are thinking of the same plant, it makes some great curries and are exceptionally healthy. They grow high yields assuming the deer don’t get them!


Udbdhsjgnsjan t1_j9aq3m8 wrote

Marigolds, tomatoes, marigolds, peppers, marigolds, basil, more marigolds.


DarthPapercut t1_j9b400b wrote

TIL marigolds are a pest control in the garden.


Udbdhsjgnsjan t1_j9bc6an wrote

Well that and they’re dead simple to grow. They can handle direct sunlight and drought fairly easily. And if you show them even just the smallest bit of care (watering and deadheading) they’ll reward you with a spectacular show from planting season until first frost.


412Clockwork t1_j9advu9 wrote

6 different peppers ( we have been making hot sauce for a few years now, it is 10/10) garlic, onions, pie pumpkins, 4 different squashes, loofahs, grapes, currants, lettuces, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbages (some for sauerkraut), tomatoes ( homemade sauce), hops for beer, and a few other science projects along with trying to ramp up our quail flock from 8 to 50ish.

Also if anyone wants help setting up beds, weeding, garden layout, building raised beds (or making new regular beds) I can help. As a landscaper I want to get more jobs related to gardening.


tupperwhat t1_j9cetdz wrote

Getting pumped to kill my lawn and replace it with wild and native plants I've been collecting in and around Pittsburgh


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9cobwi wrote

What kind of plants???


tupperwhat t1_j9de1kw wrote

Let's see. I've got seeds of:

white wood-aster (Eurybia divaricata), devil's beggarticks (Bidens frondosa), wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia), showy goldenrod (Solidago speciosa), rough goldenrod (Solidago rugosa), lance-leaved American-aster (Symphyotrichum lanceolatum), heart-leaved American-aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium), bushy American-aster (Symphyotrichum dumosum, calico American-aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum), dogbane (Apocynum sp.), common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), sunflower-everlasting (Heliopsis sp.), sunflower (Helianthus sp.), ironweed (Vernonia), and little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium).

I'm gonna keep collecting seeds over the years and add to this mix, but this is a good start :)


TheSunflowerSeeds t1_j9de370 wrote

Sunflower seeds are about 6 mm to 10 mm in length and feature conical shape with a smooth surface. Their black outer coat (hull) encloses single, gray-white edible-kernel inside. Each sunflower head may hold several hundreds of edible oil seeds.


OllieFromCairo t1_j9ajdbe wrote

I have a little urban orchard of six apple trees. I just got some wild Kazakh apple seeds, the ancestor of domesticated apples, that I’m cold stratifying in my fridge, and I have half of them stashed to plant in the fall if the cold stratifying fails.


mrsrtz t1_j9akvuf wrote

Wow, that is really neat, I am interested to hear how you progress with them!


teacamelpyramid t1_j9avac8 wrote

I went through my seed stash and put them into a spreadsheet and I’m up to 150 different kinds. I’ll probably plant about 70 varieties(10 tomatoes, 10 cucumbers, 10 kinds of peppers, 15 kinds of herbs, 10 kinds of flowers, the rest will be random vegetables). I usually just keep 1-3 of each for myself and have additional plant starts that I give away at the Magee community center or adopt out to friends.

If anyone wants some plant starts comment below about what you like and I’ll try to plant extra to share.


Badboysrisri t1_j9cog6x wrote

I am setting up my greenhouse for the first time this year. If you have any seeds that near greenhouse conditions to germinate would be happy to grow for you!


teacamelpyramid t1_j9d4v4b wrote

That’s tempting. There are a few plants like hibiscus where the growing season isn’t long enough.


covertchipmunk t1_j9d0vrt wrote

I tend to start too many things and then give them away because I don't have the space or time. So I get this. I have, well, a lot of seed packets. I can't resist them. Starting seeds is so amazing - just watching them come up and grow is magic every time.

I've moved mostly to soil blocking and have had good success with it. Have you tried it yet?


teacamelpyramid t1_j9d5tma wrote

Soil blocking looks really cool. I do tiny biodegradable grow bags. It makes them pretty easy to separate and give away.


Neat_History4966 t1_j9be5gv wrote

I'd kill for some herbs! If you'd be willing to share, I'm happy to exchange for baked goods.


teacamelpyramid t1_j9bgsfs wrote

Anything you really want? I’m planting basil, thyme, dill, tarragon, winter savory, summer savory, parsley and cilantro. I can probably do rosemary and oregano cuttings once it’s spring again.


bambi_beth t1_j9danyo wrote

I have plenty of chives, garlic chives, tarragon, oregano, thyme, and probably some mints I can share when things green up in the spring!


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9ax2jl wrote

I like tomaties.

I don't have anything to trade. Except maybe some firewood.


teacamelpyramid t1_j9axp79 wrote

No need to trade anything. I just like giving plants a good home. Tomatoes won’t be ready to plant until at least Mother’s Day, but I have some varieties that are pretty quick to start producing.


stack_of_envelopes t1_j9cq2cg wrote

Would love some grape tomatoes and sweet peppers! For trading, I am happy to divide a very large clump of chives and to contribute some pothos/begonia Rex/night blooming cereus cuttings!


teacamelpyramid t1_j9d51uw wrote

You got it! I have a few sweet peppers and can give you a mix. I’m trying a new variety of grape tomato and will start a few extra.


spaceraptorbutt t1_j9de15z wrote

I’d love some plants! Tomatoes and herbs (basil, cilantro, and thyme would be great), please.

I am in the middle of moving, so I don’t think I’ll have time to start seeds of my own. However, I have a tons of native plant seeds. If you (or anyone else in this thread) want some, let me know,


Fine-Sense-595 t1_j9eo6w7 wrote

I’m definitely interested in some starts! We are huge bell pepper eaters (but open to any peppers) , onion, and would love to try garlic! I have garlic chives that double size each year I can trade(: I have a 11m old (he will be 15m in June) and am due with another in June so not sure how much time I’m gonna have but I want to get my son into gardening early(:


teacamelpyramid t1_j9glyef wrote

Garlic and onion are usually planted in the fall. I might have a few bulbs around, though. Peppers I can definitely do.


Kay_pgh t1_j9jsrfy wrote

You are the bee's knees! I have browse d the seedswap and taplap subs but you are doing all that right here within 412.


babyyodaisamazing98 t1_j9a8ueg wrote

Got my onions, peppers, lettuce, and kale all started! Trying asparagus for the first time this year too.


Slopey1884 t1_j9adwq0 wrote

We have some self-seeded asparagus in our community garden plot! I think you have to carefully pace harvesting to allow the plant to grow each year, since it’s a perennial.


GargantuanWitch t1_j9fw1pk wrote

Yup. We did asparagus for a couple years until we just took it out and stopped. For as much as we eat, we'd need to devote more space for it, and it wasn't worth the effort.


SpinnerOfCog t1_j9akew7 wrote

I set up some worm bins last year and finally have enough castings to use in something bigger than a potted plant so I'm pretty excited to see what difference they'll make in the garden proper.


winebiddle t1_j9b6vqn wrote

plug for /r/plantsburghpa

it's pretty quiet but i'd love for it to be a little busier


Birdface3000 t1_j9a7ttv wrote

Thinking about a "3D" electric fence for the deer this year


hooch t1_j9appmf wrote

Is that the thing which uses sound or something to keep the deer out? Because if so, my neighbors have that and the deer will happily stand right next to it.


Birdface3000 t1_j9c5dsk wrote

I've read there are a hundred gimmicks and snake oils to keep deer away, but this setup seems to have good success


GargantuanWitch t1_j9fx0dv wrote

It doesn't work. My next door neighbor has had an electric fence in his backyard for 4 years, and year-round, at least once a month, he's out there re-stringing it because a herd fucking runs through it instead of attempting to jump.

The herd stands in the backyard for hours, until one of them is dumb enough to stumble into it, at which point they freak out, and they tangle themselves and tear it down. They're not deterred, at all. They'll gladly nose around underneath it and try to crawl under.


Birdface3000 t1_j9fxktc wrote

Was his this type with 2 rows? I've also read making the lines very visible is important so they don't run into it


GargantuanWitch t1_j9fysvm wrote

Yes. Two rows, differing heights, and they really appreciated the foil strips we hung from the wires, because it let them know just where to repeatedly smell and receive current in the face. Since our backyards are connected, this has been something we've spent time working on, together.

Suburban deer don't care about your fences and deterrents. They've got every night to figure out how to get around it. They're not deer from out in the country who get easily discouraged.


GargantuanWitch t1_j9fyy6l wrote

The only thing that has worked in the 11 years we've been here is to spray milk in a 1:3 ratio every 2 weeks on anything you don't want eaten. More often if it rains.


AmyTea t1_j9ag4rg wrote

I only have container but some varieties of semi hot and sweet peppers Bell chocolate, Bolivian rainbow Fushimi sweet and shishito. The mad hatters were delicious last year but they werent ready until october. And then herbs that the deer have zero interest in.


l23VIVE t1_j9agigs wrote

Carnival blend sweet peppers, hot salsa blend hot peppers, Anaheim chilies, red onions, yellow onions, blushing spring onions, broccoli, green beans, burgundy beans, mint, shallots, and cilantro!


mrsrtz t1_j9aidy9 wrote

I read about jambu yesterday, and now really want to see if we can grow them here in Upper Balconia.


teacamelpyramid t1_j9avjb7 wrote

I grew those last year! They did fine in containers.


mrsrtz t1_j9bd15k wrote

What did you do with them? Recipes?


teacamelpyramid t1_j9be41i wrote

I had no idea that you could cook with it! I learned about this plant (or something very similar) from where it grows wild in coastal Georgia. I thought it might be good to have on hand for first aid purposes.


mrsrtz t1_j9bkr85 wrote

Probably prickly ash - I guess it might be around here also?


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j9bkt2h wrote

Aralia spinosa

>Aralia spinosa, commonly known as devil's walking stick, is a woody species of plant in the genus Aralia, family Araliaceae, native to eastern North America. The various names refer to the viciously sharp, spiny stems, petioles, and even leaf midribs. It has also been known as Angelica-tree. This species is sometimes called Hercules' club, prickly ash, or prickly elder, common names it shares with the unrelated Zanthoxylum clava-herculis.

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lanman31337 t1_j9ao13g wrote

Sweet banana peppers and bell peppers, we have herbs growing all year round. Last year we did chocolate tomatoes and I want to do those again (we ended up getting a ridiculous amount out of two plants). More eggplant and kohlrabi.


CDewfus t1_j9b4rba wrote

This is fool's spring


bionica1 t1_j9be1w5 wrote

So excited for gardening season (but I still want more snow/cold temps beforehand!!) this year! Growing garlic for the first time. I got it planted in mid-Nov. I will feel like a boss if it turns out ok and next year I'll grow 3x as much.

Also doing the yearly batch of:

Tomatoes (at least 15 plants, many varieties)


Banana peppers



Red and green cabbage



Marigolds, many may marigolds.

Skipping radishes and carrots this year. They just don't seem worth it for me anyway. Never seem to have good luck regardless of what I do to the soil.


kimbecile t1_j9atn4s wrote



NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9awxt1 wrote



kimbecile t1_j9ayv9m wrote

I have big dogs and chickens. And neighbor's trees that create sooo much shade. Thats all that my yard is. Mud. I'm gonna just put a bunch of pavers down and call it a day


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9b1fwd wrote

What kind of big dogs?

We have a Lab and a German Shepherd.

Most of the mud in our yard is from the deer stampede.


TerribleBase666 t1_j9bb160 wrote

I buy seedlings from I usually sign up for a garden share- they provide the plants, seeds and garden plan- they also provide instructions and as season progresses provides seasonal additions to keep the garden growing until fall. Best investment ever. If you just want a one shot you can buy a garden in a box/ USDA certified organic- healthy plants make healthy food- no pesticides or dangerous chemicals and fertilizers- check them out. They are also seed savers of local varieties that do well in our climate


FreneticZen t1_j9aimqh wrote

If I get around to actually building an enclosure to keep the deer, raccoons, and groundhogs out (hah)…

Beefmaster tomatoes, bell peppers, banana peppers, and onions.


Angelikawithak t1_j9bgmrt wrote

I want to try gardening for the first time living on the East coast. Any tips? Is it best to do it in a bed planter or directly on surface?


Flaapjack t1_j9c7vhq wrote

Spring FEELS like it’s just around the corner, but it definitely will snow in April!


phdeeznuts_ t1_j9ckl86 wrote

Tomatoes (Black Krim, Golden Jubilee, Mortgage Lifters, and Sungolds), mini cucumbers, beets, zucchini, and yellow squash


covertchipmunk t1_j9d1nf4 wrote

As many tomatoes and peppers as I can fit on the trays to start them. I have to cull my list this year. It's out of hand and there is some serious pruning needed for the shrubs we have.

I would like to get a fruit tree planted, maybe a self pollinating plum. At least get blueberries going.

Right now I'm only starting brassicas, hot peppers, leeks, and for flowers it's delphinium and dianthus and foxglove. But March is coming up fast and that's when the seed starting corner gets rolling for real.


412beekeeper t1_j9d6ezq wrote

I'm taking over an abandoned garden, starting off with a cover crop and straw.


Jaxonwht t1_j9b1ag3 wrote

I’m just gonna be lazy and grow clover lol. I have a large land and thistle and fleabane were haunting me last year.


Dartonion t1_j9bjxkr wrote

Hopefully thai peppers, zucchini, maybe habanero peppers. It all depends on when i build the raised planting bed I plan to do. It looks like my biggest hurdle will be getting the topsoil without blowing my budget.


LVivre t1_j9bvv30 wrote

Doing the usual veg- tomatoes, peppers, cukes, broccoli rabe for spring harvest, and a bunch of greens. Trying out tomatillos and purslane this year. And some new spring bulbs to get in!


covertchipmunk t1_j9d1z4u wrote

Tomatillos didn't work well for me the first year, but I failed to clean up and about 300 seeds sprouted. We had a wall of the things and plenty of fruit.

On the other hand, purslane grows in the cracks of the sidewalk. It's tasty, and the chickens like it, too.


snurfherder828 t1_j9cydnk wrote

Potatoes, snap peas, bottle gourds, and tomatoes


bambi_beth t1_j9dd8q1 wrote

I have forty-some milk jugs planted up winter sowing cold stratifying native plants for my pollinator gardens and a few with cool season greens. We always do a few weird tomatoes, shishito peppers, squashes, greens. Last year we grew a lot of African and middle eastern greens in the high heat season which was fun! Also fun: purple potatoes in grow bags. Adding blueberries this year (finally!), kiwiberry, American plum, and a third pear tree we hope to espalier in the Belgian fence pattern. We're going to put groundnut apios Americana in a bin and try sunchokes a friend saved. I am trying to choke out knotweed across the street with pumpkins. I'm always trying something!!


matt_1060 t1_j9dnya2 wrote

I think my new cherry tree will bear fruit this year. Also lots of figs and peaches


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9ekugg wrote

I tried a fig tree, but it died over winter.


matt_1060 t1_j9fo08d wrote

They are such a bother. You have bend them to the ground and stake them then cover with soil. I’ll get dozens and dozens every year but what a pain in the keister


GorodetskyA t1_j9i1tj3 wrote

Going to try some native plants to attract bees, birds and butterflies.


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9i2dy3 wrote

What species?


GorodetskyA t1_j9jhzpt wrote

I'm not sure yet. I've been looking at the ASWP recommendations, and trying to figure out what would work in our space plus be deer resistant (they do have a sheet of deer resistant plants) and then figure out where /what/ when to get. I do want milkweed and bee balm.


NineFootEightWeight OP t1_j9jn0f7 wrote

I have both.

I also have the worst deer problem in all of Allegheny County.

I have five species of Milkweed. Deer leave all that alone.

I have Scarlet Bee Balm. Deer eat the flower heads off.

In my experience, deer have not touched my Yarrow, Wingstem, Boneset, Ironweed, Goldenrod, and Blue Vervain.