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Neat_Criticism514 t1_j9vdre0 wrote

Reply to comment by DeleteSystem33 in new Subaru help, please by ssnhl

Right. You said according to where I live. I live in Allegheny county (for about 7 years now). I bought said car in Blair county, charged 6%. I don’t live in Blair county (and for those bad at math, I didn’t when I bought said car). I was charged their sales tax. But thanks for….teaching you math and reading comprehension? Because I’m not sure what you think you’re pointing out to me.


CleverUsername310 t1_j9wgoml wrote

Sales tax for vehicle sales should be calculated on where the vehicle is registered, not where you bought it. You got lucky where the dealership didn’t notice this mistake. I live in Allegheny County and purchased a vehicle from a dealership in Westmoreland County and they charged me a 7% sales tax after initially including 6% in the final worksheet because they noted that the vehicle would be registered in Allegheny County. My guess is that if you do go far enough away to somewhere like Blair County where they don’t deal routinely with that situation it would probably get overlooked.