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Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_j9l4v1u wrote

  1. you're committing theft

  2. alkaline water is a fad with zero evidence that it does anything different than regular tap water. So even at 50 cents a gallon you're wasting money.


bmac1202 t1_j9lbdwk wrote

  1. I'm sure Mr. Bezos appreciates your bootlicking.

Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_j9lgpxu wrote

  1. Retail theft is theft, no matter who owns the store.
  2. That's one study on mice from 2016 in a very low impact journal. There iare no data in humans that the extra cost makes any difference at all. Also, your stomach is acidic, so the alkaline water is neutralized as soon as it hits your stomach.