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stftw42 t1_j9hgxey wrote

As someone who recently moved to Pittsburgh from Columbus - this is spot on. One thing I'm absolutely flummoxed by is there being no Taco Bell near Pitt/CMU. Have to imagine a Taco Bell Cantina would do numbers...


starrykristen t1_j9hizlg wrote

There used to be a KtacoHut (kfc Taco Bell and Pizza Hut combo) in Oakland- at least in the early 2000s when I went to Pitt. It was disgusting 😆


dropkickpa t1_j9hpz54 wrote

Oh KenTacoHut, how we miss you.


Username89054 t1_j9juhev wrote

It shut down very suddenly one day and the rumor was it failed health inspections that badly. I don't know how true that was, but precisely zero people would've been surprised had that been the case.


heili t1_j9juvsk wrote

I remember being there when they opened that up. It was mind blowing. There are other combos, but that one had all three.

KenTacoHut ... what a fast food masterpiece.


kimbecile t1_j9kcsss wrote

There was a pizza hutt and a panda express i think, in the student union in the mid 90's. My pregnant ass worked there then and used to send bagels thru the pizza hut oven.


blai_starker t1_j9id2xg wrote

I don’t think my spouse is going to survive a year in Shadyside because there isn’t a Taco Bell near us! Not gonna lie, I miss him bringing me cinnamon twists


IClight69 t1_j9jjvqg wrote

Shaler bro. Aspinwall Bro just go bro it’s only like 5 miles bro it will be so good bro, just go bro trust me.
