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hiomiojo t1_j9zqtix wrote

Crazy. Can’t imagine John the Baptist needed all that. But that’s the sad part of the state of the church today. Control, and fees, and paperwork.


ScratchMoore t1_j9zr9nm wrote

Money and control. You basically just summed up organized religion in a nutshell haha


creaky__sampson t1_ja07wbj wrote

You’re doing yourself a disservice by having a pessimistic view of religion. Consider the prosperity we experience by living in an ordered society. The order is enabled by laws that are rooted in religious tradition. Are modern religious institutions perfect? Absolutely not. To say that they are only about money and control is childish.


ScratchMoore t1_ja0bnwk wrote

I come by my pessimistic views of religion honestly. Also, I never said money and control were the ONLY things organized religions were about.