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TheGoldenChow t1_j9s3ksb wrote

Same here in Regent Square/Wilkinsburg. Duq Light shows 700 people affected in Wilkinsburg and over 200 in Edgewood


profusemoose t1_j9s3n2c wrote

Yep. Our lights kept dimming, internet went out. Didn't hear any noises though.


redditwriteit t1_j9s3qjd wrote

Yeah here in Edgewood it flickered on an off for a good minute. We saw a large blue power flash in the sky.


TheGord51 t1_j9s3r2z wrote

About 5-10 minutes ago, I saw some blue/green bright lights while looking across the Allegheny river towards Highland Park. I vaguely remember hearing that transformers give off those types of colors when they explode. Not sure if that was the cause, but it seems around the same time.


Jenerco t1_j9s4lvk wrote

Yep getting tons of flickers in Forest hills


aob412 t1_j9s4nyl wrote

Sounds like a transformer blew


prozacandcoffee t1_j9s5ivg wrote

Yes, with a really bright flash of light. It was LOUD by me.


quarantineblue t1_j9s62vy wrote

In Wilkinsburg it did the same flicker thing but went all the way down and has been since then. Also witnessed blue/green flashes further east illuminating the clouds


Romanfiend t1_j9s86bd wrote

Does this happen a lot in that area? I am moving there in 6 months I was hoping for reliable infrastructure.


ElJamoquio t1_j9sbqjs wrote

Every time you hear a bang, a transformer gets it's angel wings


DonnyTheWalrus t1_j9sfm1o wrote

This doesn't appear to be tree related (probably), but - there's a lot of trees here. Like, a lot. When a storm blows through there's definitely a higher chance of an outage than you might have in the average city.

But besides that I've never really had too much of a problem. With the insane summer temps the last few years there are times when it gets dicey, but not many outages. Nothing like Columbus (Ohio) where they had to do intentional blackouts last year.


Snoo71538 t1_j9szr1l wrote

Yep. Been in regent square for 4 years and have had my power go out for anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours every few months. Looks like my power came back at about 2am this time, so 3-4 hours out.


kaisaline t1_j9tmktm wrote

According to my spouse, yes. This is why I have a UPS for my fish tanks!!!! Happy fish 🐠🐠🐠


enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9v1fei wrote

What's the point of these posts? Isn't a brief power outage like this pretty normal? And wouldn't it be quicker to confirm it was an outage by going to DLC's website?


DroningBrightnessAV OP t1_j9v4sb2 wrote

i guess the point for me is ruling out events like transformer explosions and it can take a few minutes for pulse point or dlc to publish these things. so if i ask " did any of yinz hear an explosion and blah blah " i'm also wondering if someone drove into a pole or or a if a plane crashed or any number of other crazy ass things happened. i'm not going to necessarily assume it was another transformer going haywire.


lift_heavy64 t1_j9v7r2x wrote

And don't listen to the yinzers saying "it's normal and happens everywhere." I've lived in multiple states and cities over the past ~15 years and it only happened with any regularity when I was in pittsburgh. The infrastructure in pittsburgh is embarrassing.


TacoBean19 t1_j9wlwsk wrote

Last week I had a couple of power outages lasting around 30 seconds