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UnsurprisingDebris t1_j9p99vi wrote

Pros: Accessibility to both Frick Park and Schenley Park. You can also get on the jail trail and down to Duck Hollow quickly. My family frequently walks over the Greenfield bridge and into Schenley Park for hikes.

There is a grocery store in the neighborhood (within walking distance depending on where at in Greenfield you end up).

From talking with my neighbors Greenfield K-8 is a wonderful school and I have no issues sending my children there in a few years.

Speaking of children, there are a bunch of playgrounds spread throughout Greenfield so you'll likely be within walking distance of one. Plus, Magee Field has a swimming pool.

Again, depending on where you end up in Greenfield...the views of Downtown and the surrounding areas are amazing. When we were house shopping we looked at a home with a deck out back that had the most picture perfect views.

Cons: The houses are most definitely hit-or-miss. Personally I would put extra scrutiny into any flipped house in Greenfield, there's been a plethora of them recently and some are just horrible. However, there are some great homes that just need updated, but they get snatched up quickly.

While there are two distinct business areas in Greenfield and some really nice bars, there isn't a whole lot of stuff "going on". I'm hoping that in the near future with the influx of young people moving in that might change.

Because of the location of Greenfield, many people cut through certain residential streets to get out of the city, so be careful what street you end up on if you have little kids to worry about.

I hope this helps you! You can reach out to me if you have any other specific questions I'm more than happy to talk.