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lennyj17 t1_j9hvj9h wrote

Busway is nowhere near capacity… come on now… PAT had nearly 40 routes utilizing the Busway at Rush Hour back in the 90s, there aren’t even half that many routes today…. Commuter express buses have been slashed to the bare bone.


sebileis t1_j9hvnnq wrote

Okay, enjoy your gas guzzlers then!


lennyj17 t1_j9hxmbv wrote

Electric transition remember.


sebileis t1_j9hxuh9 wrote

Yeah, to battery buses that crap out after a few months using rare earth metals that require insane carbon emissions to mine. Definitely the most sustainable option! /s

If you’re gonna have such a hard-on for buses you can at least admit trolleybuses are a better option if they want to be serious about electrification. But they aren’t, and you won’t, so here we are.